Lagrange Hook: Gemtext Data Consumption

I'd been working on a little script to try to keep track of Gemtext data consumption. However, between my limited free time and numerous hobbies, I had actually forgotten all about this.

It's not the most useful data to track, but who cares, it sounded fun! It's not done, but I like where it's going. Once I finish this, I'll post the finished code.

Note that not only is this still a rough draft... and my Python skills are novice.

import sys

def utf8len(s):
    return len(s.encode('utf-8'))

def append_to_flatfile(date, response_size):
    # TODO: Need to create file programatically if not exists already
    # TODO: This doesn't work when ran from Lagrange hook, only when running 'locally'
    with open('gemtext_sizes.csv', 'a') as csv_file:
        new_entry = str(date) + ',' + str(response_size) + '\n'

# TODO: Refactor this to 'createHeader` and let the caller do the `print`ing
def printHeader(response):
    # TODO: Exclude localhost
    # TODO: read csv file
    # TODO: sum total data since ever
    # TODO: sum total data this month
    # TODO: convert to kilobytes

    this_response_size = utf8len(response)
    #append_to_flatfile(, this_response_size)
    data_this_month = 10 # temporary placeholder
    data_total = 100 # temporary placeholder

    print('```Table listing local Gemini data downloaded.')
    print('| File size:', this_response_size, '                                 |')
    print('| Gemini data downloaded this month:', data_this_month, '           |')
    print('| Gemini data downloaded since script install:', data_total, '|')

response =
response_size = utf8len(response)

print('20 text/gemini\r\n')
# TODO: Move the header down below the first heading


All in all, hooks are a pretty neat concept. I may spend some time thinking up more.
