A Blog: A Pendulum

So today I'm going to talk about a link I followed from Jedda's blog[1] to a post by one Scopique[2], which if I recall correctly is just one of those blog posts that I saw a long while ago and never got around to responding to. In it, he talks about pondering a custom blog software, after having grown bored with Wordpress.

Aptly, he describes the desire to do this as a pendulum. My pendulum is at the other end right now. I have built my website all myself. I don't regret it. I have learned a lot doing it. It was also satisfying to build it all from scratch[3].

Despite that I now feel tempted to ditch it and move to some premade blog setup. I've gotten tired of having to do everything myself. And I know that what I have built is in truth a house of cards. It's fragile and finicky. Past decisions are beginning to impede the addition of new features. I want out. I want someone else to take care of it for me.

But why did I strike out on my own in the first place? I looked at the existing software, and it all seemed bloated. Which is really to say that it considered use cases beyond just mind and therefore had features that I didn't think I'd use. Features that I would nevertheless have to work around and configure.

I don't have any actual plans to move my setup right now, but it's possible. And if I did no doubt I would grow annoyed with something or other. And I would start to think about leaqving it all behind to start again.

And so the pendulum swings.


I Am Never Satisfied With This Site
