The Old Mine

I watched the trailer for the Minecraft movie that released recently[1]. I'm not going to comment on how the movie looks, but I do have other thoughts surrounding it.

What struck me was how much I am not the target audience. And that sparked reflection on who the target audience is. I started playing Minecraft early in it's beta release, which I suppose was in the early 2010s. I realized that a very significant part of this movie's target audience had not even been born then. So a lot of my discomfort with the movie boils down to "Oh fuck I'm getting older." Somewhat more eloquently, there's a dissonance for me, one that existed well before now and is being strongly excited by the movie. Minecraft for me is mentally filed as a new thing. Something that just came out. It was popular when I first heard of it, but it was nowhere near a big as it is now. So being made conscious that it is not so new anymore feels strange. Seeing it intrude into the real world feels strange. I see Minecraft toys on the shelves of department stores and it seems quaint. "Minecraft, that little indie game?"


I can't shake the feeling of rambling with this one. I wrote notes as soon as I thought of writing this, and yet whatever point it was that I wanted to make has vanished. Even with my notes about what I wanted to say, what my idea were, it took several tries writing this to get anything like what I meant. Thoughts are slippery things.

[1]: Update: removed link to trailer due to technical reasons

