🚀 u/StanStani


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🚀 StanStani

Where are the opportunities to use a second language? I have dreams where I'm back in Korea. I miss using the language, but I can't say that I ever really got into an immersion environment even though I lived in Korea for 3 years and had at least 1000 words before stepping off the plane the first time. The closest I ever felt to being immersed was in a week long class that I took as part of my orientation for EPIK (English Program in Korea). It was upper-intermediate and the content was...

💬 1 comment · 2 likes · Oct 11 · 5 days ago · #fulfillment #language-learning #loneliness

🚀 StanStani

Darwin Doesn't Care if You're Happy; Social and Romantic Fulfillment — I noticed recently, I tend to focus more on romantic fulfillment than social fulfillment. But I believe that I would be a happier and healthier person if I focused more on social fulfillment over romantic fulfillment, not even counting that if I were more socially fulfilled, romantic fulfillment would be more likely to follow. Why then does my mind/body prioritize romantic fulfillment over social by default? I can...

💬 1 comment · 1 like · Oct 07 · 9 days ago

🚀 StanStani

Missed Connection — Today, a self sat opposite from me at a separate table at my most frequented coffee shop. This self was attractive to me. They gave off (attractively, haha~) a little awkward vibes, but they were writing in a couple small notebooks. Over the course of 30 minutes or so and in between doing some software development for work, I considered asking them whether they were journaling, but before fate could determine whether I acted on that impulse or not, they actually spoke to me...

💬 1 comment · 3 likes · Sep 30 · 2 weeks ago

🚀 StanStani

Well, I started studying Korean again a bit. I took about an unintentional month and a half break, but I'm starting back up again. I had been intending to anyway, but started working on trying to make some games in Phaser.js. Now I hear about the Workcation for digital nomads visa that Korea is now piloting and of course my brain wants to take it as a sign that I should go back and give it another shot. But I think one of my problems is having put languages before connection with people,...

💬 View post · 1 like · Feb 05 · 8 months ago

🚀 StanStani

Oops. This was my attempt to see what the DSN is, but I didn't mean to actually post to it! Sorry!

💬 1 comment · 2023-11-12 · 11 months ago

🚀 StanStani

Dear reader, you know how there are in browser IRC clients? Is there an in http browser Gemini client?

💬 3 comments · 2023-10-26 · 1 year ago

🚀 StanStani

2023-10-24 — If You Feel Lonely, **Don't** Start Learning a Language — I began learning Japanese alone and soon met a guy who did too. I then met a community of learners on the forum How To Learn Any Language. Then, I met Japanese people in France. Then, Japanese people in Japan. Then, I met a Japanese girl who became my girlfriend. Then, people who helped me get a job in Japan. Then, other people who invited me to live amazing experiences like visiting hidden gems.  [https link] Source [http...

💬 4 comments · 2023-10-24 · 1 year ago

🚀 StanStani

2023-07-16 And here I am, a week later, not having engaged much with Korean. But I have been engaging with Toki Pona, and I am still hoping to work some more with Korean. Toki Pona is used by people because they want to use the language. It is an end in itself, which is how language learning has been for me. Trying to use French and Korean with native speakers organically has felt like punching bullet-proof glass. They have their own native world where they go about their lives, and an...

💬 1 comment · 3 likes · 2023-07-17 · 1 year ago

🚀 StanStani

Anyone interested in forming a study group to go through the Genki books for learning Japanese? I'm interested in meeting weekly, perhaps via Discord or another client, if you prefer.

💬 2 comments · 2023-07-11 · 1 year ago

🚀 StanStani

— seldoncortex.com

Thoughts on my latest post? It touches on language learning, but also the pain of failure. Content Warning: self-harm — Thoughts on my latest post? [gemini link]

💬 3 comments · 1 like · 2023-07-09 · 1 year ago

🚀 StanStani

— seldoncortex.com/

Thoughts on my "Sanitizing API Responses" post on [gemini link] ?

💬 View post · 2023-07-02 · 1 year ago

🚀 StanStani

Anyone else pondering what it would be like to leave Reddit behind for Bubble?

💬 14 comments · 2023-06-14 · 1 year ago


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