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Ensemble game - beta is up — There is a lot of untested code here, please bear with me. [gemini link] Let me know how it works out for you.

💬 7 comments · 2 likes · Oct 13 · 3 days ago

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Ensemble - a new puzzle game for Gemini — I am considering putting together a new-old puzzle for Geminauts based on the game Set. I have two options: =============== Inlined image version requires Lagrange with a couple of settings tweaked: Preferences/Network/Max URL size: 32767 Preferences/Content/Open images in Data URLs: on Once these are set, click on the mockup link below and let me know if you can see it and what you think... [gemini link] Also please let me know if you think it's too...

💬 11 comments · 2 likes · Oct 12 · 4 days ago

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Drove across the US again... — I think it's my ninth time. Kind of lost track of how many times I've done it now. It's pretty easy now, and I kind of look forward to the solitude and the simplicity of the goal: reach the destination alive... I did it in two and a half days, with three sleep breaks (between two and six hours of sleep) right in the back of my minivan, on a pretty comfortable roll-up mattress. The rest stop are great, especially in the midwest, almost indistinguishable from RV...

💬 View post · 1 like · Sep 20 · 4 weeks ago

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Old coins — I've been trying to figure out why I tend to hoard old coins. Not that old - 70's and 80's quarters mostly (although I do have an envelope full of pre-1965 silver coins too). There is a pile next to the monitor. I move them around and 'stim', I suppose, twiddling them between my fingers. Long before 'stimming' was a thing, I was doing it with British pound coins, but I haven't had any in years, so it's quarters for now. I think some part of me believes that someday I may come across...

💬 3 comments · 1 like · Jul 20 · 3 months ago

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Drove across the US — This time, at a leisurely pace, two sleep stops (4 hours and 5 hours) and made it in 2 1/2 days. Google auto still really sucks. I ran through 2GB in a few hours streaming podcasts, and had to stop. Screw the cloud. Radios without a tuning knob really suck.

💬 5 comments · Jun 19 · 4 months ago

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— tilde.cafe/~spellbinding/wall/cgi

The Wall CGI - source published — I added the C sources for my Wall CGI. It is an example of a minimal CGI - compiles to 14KB, minimal execution footprint, and the data is limited to 64KB max (old messages will be truncated). My Wall (link above) has been running for about a year alongside SpellBinding. Scribble a message if you feel like it.

💬 4 comments · Jun 10 · 4 months ago

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Dice Poker -- no daily limit — [gemini link] Please play this game -- as many times as you like! I need to see how it does with a bunch of people playing.

💬 View post · May 24 · 5 months ago

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@ReMARStered: Welcome! If you want to waste some more time, try [gemini link] [gemini link] [gemini link]

💬 1 comment · 1 like · May 22 · 5 months ago

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Mental Gymnastics: Hacking Up Simple Gemini Games — Surprize! 'Simple' things turn out to be much more complicated than they should be. This is my second go around: first time was spellbinding, which I implemented it as a specialized CGI program with a bunch of adjacent programs and scripts. While that worked, it required keeping track of a lot of details, scripts and cron jobs, and is so specialized that it's entirely useless for anything else. So this time around I was going to be smart. I...

💬 4 comments · May 20 · 5 months ago

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Dice Poker -- a new Gemini dice game (alpha) — [gemini link] A 5-dice poker game, inspired by @gritty. During each of 10 rounds you can hold any of the dice to build the best hand, and roll the remaining dice. You specify which dice to hold by their values, not their position! It's a little rough, and uses cgisesh (which is WIP) to keep state, so apologies if it breaks... But give it a shot!

💬 15 comments · 2 likes · May 18 · 5 months ago

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— tilde.cafe/~stack/cgisesh/live/cgitest

Got CGISESH working. Simple demo. — Click on the link; the cgi will keep track of how many times you visit (refresh to see the counter go up). If my cgisesh server is running, of course. This simple cgi uses cgisesh to keep session information for each user (visit count in this simple example). cgisesh is a minimal in-memory key-value server designed to provide per-user session data for Gemini CGI...

💬 4 comments · 2 likes · May 17 · 5 months ago

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cgisesh - a tiny cgi session manager for games TLDR: I am making a minimal in-memory "session database server" for keeping track of user data, ideal for games. Any thoughts? Every time I try to make a quick-and dirty CGI game or sketch out a simple application, I get really frustrated. Gemini conviniently provides user certificates which can be used to track sessions, but things get complicated very fast. I am making a minimal subsystem for keeping track of user-associated data, ideal for...

💬 4 comments · 2 likes · May 15 · 5 months ago

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What Gemini search engine do you use?

💬 11 comments · May 13 · 5 months ago

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Enshitification — How does it happen? How does a community of generally well-mannered people become a zoo full of vandals that requires hardcore policing, with automatic weapons? You could blame criminals and build higher walls and get bigger guns. But I think it is exactly the cause of enshitification. People inherently want to be a part of their community. We are social animals. And if we are rejected and have no hope, we apply whatever skills we have to express our frustration at damaging...

💬 24 comments · 3 likes · May 11 · 5 months ago

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Solía pensar que CABRÓN significa 'amigo'... — Ahora entiendo por qué a nadie le agrado.

💬 5 comments · 1 like · May 07 · 5 months ago

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rawtext.club -- is the site down or is it me?

💬 6 comments · May 03 · 5 months ago

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Computadoras Antiguas — ¡Hola amigos! Estaba pensando en los viejos tiempos de la computación. Sé muy poco sobre las computadoras de los paises hispanohablantes! Sé que Commodore era popular en España, pero no estoy seguro. Respecto a América Latina -- nada... ¿Cuáles eran las computadores más populares que recuerdan? ¿Qué revistas solían leer sobre computadoras? ¿Tienen alguna memoria sobre computadoras que solían usar? ¡Me encantaria escuchar sus historias! Según aprendo español mi interes...

💬 9 comments · 1 like · May 02 · 5 months ago

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He estado viajando y no tengo mucho tiempo para Gemini. He estado estudiando español por 45 dias y me encanta Duolingo.

💬 6 comments · 1 like · Apr 01 · 7 months ago

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My Barefoot Running Days Are Over — I've been running a few kilometers a day barefoot, on a treadmill. I really liked it. But over the last couple of months, my feet started hurting. After consulting with Dr. Internet, I diagnosed the pain as early stages of Plantar Fasciatis. I also found weird bumps on the outside edge of my feet, presumably bone spurs in the making. Yikes. My wise partner made me by a pair of Hokas. They look a little like small boats, but are amazingly comfortable and...

💬 11 comments · Mar 12 · 7 months ago

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@norayr, I am sorry if I offended you. As part Armenian born in Georgia during the Soviet days I appreciate your position more than an average american, and do not underestimate Russia. I wish my president would stop provoking them to get reelected, as innocent people pay for that with their lives.

💬 8 comments · Feb 22 · 8 months ago

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@norayr: I haven't heard anything about Armenia, and you sound like things are not that good (I am assuming you are there...). Georgia, on the other hand, seems to be doing well. I hope Armenia gets a break -- heck, Uzbekistan is now the place to be, apparently! I haven't spent much time there -- when I was little my father used to take me on photo-shoots to out-of-the-way old churches in the middle of nowhere, so I have no idea what it was or is like to live there.

💬 View post · 1 like · Feb 20 · 8 months ago

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The Problem With Ads in Apps — I was playing around with Duolingo today. I tried it a few years ago, just before the pandemic; it got a lot better. This time around, I didn't feel like an idiot poking at obvious multiple-choice questions. There is a good mix of different actions now, including speaking (which now works well). It is gamified, which is good for this sort of thing. So when I started with a browser, it started showing ads. That is fine as everything else on the web is doing the...

💬 17 comments · Feb 17 · 8 months ago

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Breaking Another Addiction — Recently I removed the google fit from my phone. I originally installed it to test the accuracy of my partner's watch, and then was strangely unable to remove it. It is embarrassing to admit, as I've been vocal about the evils of google, never use the search engine, avoid social media (except for the gemini kind), and am generally privacy-bound. But I became completely addicted to fit. I've taken up running in the last couple of years, and watching numbers on the...

💬 1 comment · 2 likes · Feb 05 · 8 months ago

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Flossing Teeth Considered Harmful? — I am not 100% convinced yet, but I think flossing teeth can cause more damage than good. While every dental heath professional will tell you to floss, if you think about it, there are problems. Getting rid of remaining food and bacterial accumulations forming on sugary residues on your teeth is a good thing. However, driving it around with a piece of string can just as easily shove it deeper under the gum and make matters worse. If you have an infected...

💬 9 comments · Feb 02 · 8 months ago

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Pissing into a jar, installing Linux — The two activities are surprisingly compatible. You can't leave the house. It takes the whole day. It is stinky and sometimes embarrassing. You feel inadequate. I succeeded in installing void on my 'main' machine. I collected not quite 2L of piss. Why am I collecting urine? I am long overdue for a 24-hour test to see what kind of stones my kidneys are making, and hopefully, return to a diet which contains spinach, beats, soy, and tea. I may be better at...

💬 24 comments · 1 like · Jan 23 · 9 months ago

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