alt text ascci art depicting the Aker ship and header

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         --- Long Range Scout Ship  ---

             **** Ship's Log  *****


At Oransiimaa

The Oransiimaa system looks like a variation of old Earth solar

system, only slightly minified. Its Oort cloud equivalent is

more sparse. There are no objects greater than 0.3 earth masses

beyond the 65 AU mark, which is interesting.

Composition. Seven planets, no asteroid belt, 439 dwarf planets.

Description of the seven major planets follows. More data on the


Oransiimaa 1: A super earth, with an atmosphere incompatible

with life, tidally locked.

--- Habitable zone begins ----------

Oransiimaa 2: 0.98 rocky planet, life compatible atmosphere,

surface water, it would be promising if not were for

Oransiimaa 3: 1.01 rocky planet, free molecular oxygen

suggestive of photo-syntentic life forms, surface 80%

oceanic, large moon.

We can't tell you how excited we're about Oransiimaa 3

--- Habitable zone ends ----------

Oransiimaa 4: 25 Earth masses, gas giant.

Oransiimaa 5: 6 Earth masses, ice world - super Earth

sort of planet.

Oransiimaa 6: 53 Earth masses, gas giant.

Oransiimaa 7: .76 Earth masses rocky planet.

----- Report ends -------------------

We are now discretly approaching Oransiimaa 3 to

determine the presence of any civilization according

to protocol.

Wish us luck (Side note follows)


QEC's relay 1 funny again.

We have receieved from QEC's relay 1 an odd message ciphered in

what at first sight looks like some form of Portugese. Are the

Angolan hackers playing fun again? Or is it the New Azorean

ultrarobotists dispersing encoded propaganda? The open

message seems too innocent to include cryptographic data lines.

We are now free to proceed on our mission as opportunity

arises. On that purpose, we are approaching a dwarf orange star,

which shows some promise of holding advanced life forms, in the

sense of life formed observable to the naked eyes. Possibly even

a civilization, yet, probably not an advanced one as we have

been unable to detect radio emissions from either of the two

planets orbiting the star in the habitable zone.

Further details will be given on the encoded data lines, as

our recent encounter with hostile aliens forces us to be

prudent. For reference we are given this star the code


We serve humanity.

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