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--- Long Range Scout Vessel ---


Stardate: KL.1Sq

Location: 2.6 ly to Kirkku

Crew: 3,752

Passengers: 296

Guests: 8 Alien Life Forms



**** Captain's Log *****



We have succesfully disenganged from the hostile enemy species.

Having received no orders or suggestion from Fleet Command to

engage the hostile species, this scout vessel must return to

its primary objective, to explore deeply into unkown

territories, fostering peace, science and benevolence.

War with a previously unknown species would be an odd guest

to our mission. Let's leave that to the likes of the USFS Roger


Our scientific and medical teams have been able to contact,

or should I say, converse, with the Alien Life Forms. These are

indeed persons, sentient beings with fears, hopes and thoughts.

They have let us know, and our teams are inclined to believe

that these are juvenile members of their own species, or should

I say, children, though this word should be used with care.

In any case their stress levels seem to have lowered rapidly

since we are no longer in reach of the "Fire" species. We

assume they could be at war with such species. Of course,

anything at this point is quite provisional.

In any case, once Medicine, Xenology and Security give them

clear I would welcome them to the ship and, maybe, integrating

them with the rest of our crew.

Long term priority would be to re-unite them with their own

families, if at all possible. Yet, we must proceed with care.

~ Captain R. Firefly


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