Acting captain's log, Archer-51, entry number two:

Coordinates, encoded C115B8AF-F900-4483-9AC9-5C4D3319C424.

Intergalactic time spec follows this log.

The Archer-51 is now mostly at nominal operating status. Position is

known and time is kept. The commissary machine is producing edible food

and comfort systems are fully operational. Copilot robot # J3N67 is

functional and able to operate navigational systems well enough to

permit me to tend to the rest of the ship.

The obvious missing piece is the rest of the Archer's crew. At full

capacity, the ship's crew is twelve. As stated in the previous log, I am

the only person aboard the ship.

Further investigation suggests that the other eleven crew members never

boarded the Archer. Their quarters are undisturbed, with no personal

effects or other signs of habitation. Their hibernation pods appear to

have been open continuously since launch; that my pod functioned

properly under these circumstances is remarkable and a testament to the

quality of modern shipbuilding. Unfortunately, that quality does not

extend to the ship's archives, which appear to be incomplete from

approximately eight hours before launch until my awakening. Landside

backups are, obviously, not accessible from space. Spaceside backups

began only after I enabled them. Thus, there is a hole in the logs, and

in my understanding of how I came to be in this situation.

Fortunately, this situation is, for the most part, comfortable, if a bit

lonely. The commissary's food is actually somewhat tasty; a pleasant

surprise and a further example of the quality of Archer's build. My own

personal effects were loaded into my quarters, so I have access to my

library and entertainment. I have also been assembling some of the

optional equipment on the Archer for educational purposes. My rating at

the Academy was Missile Technician; with only light weaponry and no

enemy to engage, the Archer has no need for a missile tech, but the

skills I learned are useful for all manner of technology assembly.

Per aspera ad astra.

End log.

Intergalactic time spec, compressed format:


