ARCHER-51 (Archer Class, Hull Number 50A2FABFDD276F573FF97ACE8B11C5F4)


Subject: The Bowyers' And Fletchers' Company

Organization Type: Guild

Line Of Trade: Shipping

Former Headquarters: London, Earth 0, Sol System

Current Coordinates: 954BB079-7629-4D62-B441-E62D8299A24D

Formation: 2142 (o.s.)

Nature Of Formation: Merger


- Bowyer Industries

- The Fletcher Institute


- 77 Archer Class

- 75 in service

- Archer-27 destroyed 2547 (o.s.)

- Archer-42 mothballed

Personnel: over 9,000

Security Classification: Alpha


The Bowyers' And Fletchers' Company (B&FC) is a shipping guild formerly

based in London on Earth 0 in the Sol System. It was formed in 2142

(old style calendar; new style calendar:


e8e2fe80a193eb2a8f17ecab1132cdaeb39af354d43bee9acc79da00) in a merger of

Bowyer Industries, a long-haul shipping company, and The Fletcher

Institute, a shipbuilding consultancy under contract to the Sol System

Space Force. The name Bowyers' And Fletchers' Company was taken as a nod

to the Livery Companies of London, the former system of trade guilds

which at one time featured a Bowyers' Company (the guild of longbow

builders) and a Fletchers' Company (the guild of arrow makers.) In a

further tribute to this system, when corporations were abolished in 2270

(o.s.), B&FC reorganized as a guild (new style.)

Despite Bowyer Industries' heritage as a long-haul trucker, the modern

B&FC engages solely in voyages of less than 500 million nautical miles.

While this restricts their business chiefly to the Sol System, this

allows B&FC to operate a more economical fleet of delivery vehicles.

B&FC prefers a small and nimble class of ship known to the Sol System

Space Force as the "Mosquito Class" and christened the "Archer Class" by

B&FC. The Company's knowledge of this particular class of ship is

extensive, as The Fletcher Institute designed it under contract to SSSF.

When SSSF moved on to larger ships capable of longer distances, B&FC

acquired 77 former Mosquitoes and refurbished them as Archers. Of the

original fleet of 77, only two Archers have ever been removed from

service. Archer-27 was destroyed in a collision in 2547 (o.s.) with

fifteen fatalities. Archer-42 has been mothballed due to persistent

engine issues.

B&FC handles cargo for the merchant class, the industrial class, and the

military. It has an on-time delivery record of 93.3% since records have

been kept, placing it among the top tier of intragalactic shipping

companies. However, the Federation fined B&FC over FDN 23,000,000,000 in

2550 (o.s.) for safety lapses in the wake of the Archer-27 accident.

Following an internal investigation, B&FC committed to oversight by the

government to ensure the safety of its ships and crew. Since the Exodus,

safety has greatly improved.

B&FC's motto is "Recta ad Scopum" (Latin: "Straight to the target") and

its roundel depicts a black bow crossed with two red arrows on a white

background with a black border.



