Holy Missionary Ship Franciscus

Coordinates: UNKNOWN

Heading: UNKNOWN



Navigator Log 001

Blessed greetings, all.

Communications systems are clearly up and running aboard the

Franciscus. This is heartening news. I see that we are not

the only ship out there that has experienced some problems.

Melchizedek's message has arrived, and we are glad to say that

you are not alone in being awake. Though, it appears as you

are also not alone in being alone.

Navigation systems are slowly coming back online. I have

been working tirelessly with our Chief Engineer to repair

not only nav, but other necessary systems.

If only I knew where we were... surely we're not *that*

far off course...

We have managed to get video monitors functional, so we

can see what is happening outside the ship. Initial inspection

shows no damage.

Looking outward from the ship, we were able to determine that

we are within the vicinity of a small solar system, but it

does not appear to have the same planetary make-up as our

original destination.

Acolyte Alba has placed a priority on restoring full power

to the High Temple deck. He seems to think that the way out

of this mess is prayer.

I'm not opposed to it. I am a keeper of The Faith, after all,

and I chose to join this mission for the very purpose of

ministering to our colonies.

But still... prayer?

I'd prefer a star chart.

