-+-+-+- Regular Report -+-+-+- C33.363 -+-+-+- Orange -+-+-+-

Dr. med. Ursula Hägi reporting on the current medical emergency.

Everybody is tired of politics right now. As for the medical side of

things: the revolutionaries managed to kill 22 passengers with a

military rank. I have managed to rescue 13, but sadly 5 of them re-

quired the amputation of one or both legs as uncontrolled thawing

resulted in permanent necrosis. We have kept them in a medical coma

and will explain their situation upon arrival. The current situation

remains troubled: the revolutionary circle holding the bridge is 25

people; we have 12 reactionaries in an isolated section of the ship

after their failed coup; we have 7 ex-military awake that did not want

to join them; we still have Wullschlegel hiding somewhere on the ship;

we managed to stop the 8 extremists but Claudia Fischer and Gerry

Schlatter comitted mutual suicide when we caught up with them in med

bay 7a, so now we have 6 extremists left who have opted for a volun-

tary retreat at the arboretum A2; and finally me and the rest of the

medical team awakened for the thawing emergency makes 5. We're down to

488 from 520. 7 revolutionaries and 1 reactionary killed in the bridge

incident. 22 killed in cryo by extremists. 2 suicides, 32 lost in

total. Current cryo berth status: no malfunctions, all deaths are due

to human factors. I hope things calm down, now. Nobody who's awake

wants to go back to cryo. We have years to go. There is no trust.

-+-+-+ End of Report -+-+-+ Signed HAEUR -+-+-+
