-+-+-+- Medical Report -+-+-+- C98.121 -+-+-+- Red -+-+-+-

The Autonomous System Recovery routine is at an impasse. Sensors

are damaged by the fights and prevent any further progress. If

we wake any of the survivors, however, we must assume mental

trauma as they will wake up in the dark: their cryo-berth must

remain closed for lack of atmosphere. And how would we transfer

the living body into a vac suite? Problems everywhere.

The current plan is to find enough raw material to create a

survivable atmosphere for the time span required to open the

cryo-berth and move the human into a vac suite. For this to

work, the cryo-berth has to be moved into the gas accumulation

chamber, and a wake-up protocol has to be assembled to minimize

mental trauma.

This report generated by the Medical Backup Operator with the

'Beth' personality profile loaded. Don't worry, it'll be all


-+-+-+- End of Transmission -+-+-+- Signed SYS-MED -+-+-+-
