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--------------------- [SB-129 Class Starship] ----------------------

Earth Date: 2312-09-20T15:30:14Z

System uptime: 51 days

Location: Mercatan Space

logdate 23120919
embed --start 0 --end 6 "Captain's Log"

Fetching Captain's Log excerpt...

Captain's log, Earth time 2312-09-19T20:19:36Z.

After much pestering by Xēcnes we are proceeding to a region of

space that could supposedly hold some answers regarding the

Lovelace's little stray tour.

Xec believes to have discovered some strange readings thereabouts

that show similarities to the alien technology on board.

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SYSTEM: 3 aliens vessels are approaching at high speed.

Appropriate personel please report to the bridge.


SYSTEM: 'Captain' Aanya, please report to the-

AANYA: Yeah, yeah, I'm coming, I'm here.

SYSTEM: 3 alien vessels are going to intercept the Lovelace

in 1 minute and 13 seconds.

AANYA: Yeah, okay, got it. (yawn)

Wait. What sort of ves-

ST-WEK: What's all that noise.

XECNES: Three alien vessels are-

ST-WEK: Yes, I know, I gathered this from the very loud

and very annoying alarm. I think we all heard it.

AANYA: What sort of vessels?

SYSTEM: Unknown.

XECNES: Aanya, did you transmit all of the Haven's data into

the System?

AANYA: Would it recognize our old friends, you mean?

Of course. This far out of their space I think the

chance of meeting them is slim anyway.

Still, whoever these guys are, I think we should

avoid them either way.

ST-WEK: Agreed.

XECNES: But they might know something about the Lovelace's

journey. I think we should talk to them.

(crashing sound)

SYSTEM: 1 of the ships has opened fire.

ST-WEK: Thank M'Ghs we've got you or we would never have


XECNES: The alien ship is attempting to communicate with us.

AANYA: It's been doing plenty of communicating already.

Ignore them, I'm getting us out of here.

(clicking and beeping)

AANYA: Damn, they've got us cornered on all sides.


AAYNA: (sigh) Let's just see what they want.


UNKNOWN: Alien vessel: You have illegally entered Mercatan

Space. This justifies a fine of 400-


ST-WEK: aanya, he's staring at you..

AANYA: i've noticed, thanks.

(whispering between two people on the other ship)

AANYA: might as well seize the chance to get us out of here


UNKNOWN: Wait! I think we might have gotten off on the wrong

claw here, heh.

My name is Reniw, 3rd Captain of the Authority's

Space Fleet. You are cordinally invited to visit

Mercat Prime. We apologize for any inconvenience

we might have caused you, you know how it is with

all these freeloaders nowadays, heh.

SYSTEM: Matching designation "RENIW" to "UNKNOWN" entity.

RENIW: What?

AANYA: Don't mind our System, it's a bit.. chatty.

XECNES: This is a pleasant turn of events. I have been

meaning to ask the inhabinants of your system-

RENIW: The invitation has been extended primarily to the

Lady Amentis.

ST-WEK: who?

AANYA: Could you give us a minute?


AANYA: Time to make like a fly and say bye bye I should


XECNES: What? We are so close to uncovering a vital piece

in our search for truth!

ST-WEK: Who is this 'we' you're always on about.

AANYA: Look, we know this Earth thing is important to you.

But you saw how this guy regarded you, to him

anyone other than me on this ship might as well be

part of the furniture.

XECNES: I do not mind.

AANYA: Oh yeah, sure, and what happens when he finds out

I'm not this Lady he thinks I am? No thank you.

ST-WEK: Not worth it.

AANYA: I am getting us out of here. Surely they would not fire

on their precious Lady Mantis or whatever.

(clicking and beeping)

(sudden crashing)

XECNES: They are requesting communication.

AANYA: Granted!


RENIW: Her Ladyship's presence has been requested by the

Authority himself.

AANYA: Look, I don't know who this chick is but I'm not


RENIW: At this point that is irrelevant. If the Authority

wants you to visit you're going. Sorry ma'am, I

can't lose this job.

AANYA: Oh, shut up!


AANYA: So, it seems we're going on a field trip.

embed --start 134 --end 156 "Personal Log: Xēcnes"

Fetching Personal Log excerpt...

Though it came about through less than optimal means, I was glad I

had the chance to explore the planet which might lead me to an answer

regarding the Lovelace's mysterious disappearance from human space.

Once we had been escorted to Mercat Prime, Aanya was granted a

mandatory audience with the Authority in Metropolis 17, while St'Wek

and I were shown to the outer region of the city.

Once there we found there was no way for us to return to the city


The planets infrastructure was not fit for flightless creatures

such as us, since its inhabitans were all winged and bore a

striking resemblance to the "owls" on Earth.

Even if we had been able to fly we found that air travel was highly

regulated and expensive.

The residents of Metropolis 17s outer ring were extraordinarily

uninterested in us. When we approached them to inquire about their

world they either ignored us or told us not to address them during

work hours.

Quite some time passed before a young girl approached us and

insisted only to speak within the privacy of her appartment.

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Metropolis 17. The sky was full of smoke, the buildings full of

people and my host was full of himself.

His "humble" estate covered about a third of the city. I had to walk

quite a bit to reach the room I should be welcomed in. Some of the

kind gentlemen who had forced me to attend had to carry me upwards,

as there were no stairs.

The Authority was a middle aged man dressed in an expensive looking


Before he could speak I demanded an explanation, demanded to know

where my friends were, hurled a few insults at him and told him slowly

and clearly that I was not this Lady Amentis everyone was so randy


He simply laughed at me as he waved his underlings to leave the room.

Of course, he said, I was not Amentis. Amentis, he said, was an old

Mercatan legend: a spiky purple goddess who could bring wealth to the

nation. He himself did not believe in fairy tales, of course, he

said, he only believed in the rock hard value of his money.

But the people, he said, had been getting unhappy lately, had been

close to acting up about this whole financial crisis or whatever, he

said (he said the words like it was an altogether curious and amusing

concept to him), so he thought it a nice turn of events to have one

of those purple women walking right up to his door and wiping

her legendary purple feet on the welcome mat of pure gold.

I listened to his tale with all the patience you can expect of a girl,

noted how it was very interesting but I would rather like to leave

with my friends now, thanks.

My reasonable host reasonably denied my request and reasonably

required me to walk about in the city and hold a little speach about

the things to come and maybe even about how great a leader The Autho-

rity was, before he would leave us all go, promise.

I was no fan of this idea but it seemed a small price to pay to

finally get off of this awful planet.

Splendid, he said, we shall travel to outer ring in the morning.

embed --start 161 --end 171 "Personal Log: Xēcnes"

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Her appartment was a small room in one of the living blocks. She

shared it with two other Mercatans, who were not present at the time.

At work, she explained. She herself worked the night shifts.

St'Wek and I had barely enough room to breathe at the table in the

corner of the room that she had invited us to sit at.

She introduced herself as Oliz and had many questions for us about

the life in space. In this part of the outer ring most people worked

constructing parts for space ships. She had always dreamed of

traveling. Before leaving the planet I had the chance to

aquire an excerpt of her personal journal regarding our meeting.

embed "Other: Oliz' Diary"

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These travelers were the strangest creatures. I could tell instantly

that they were not from any Mercatan colony looking for work on our

prosperous planet. Those are usually uninterested in conversation,

more focused on doing the work they came to do, keeping to themselves.

Finally, I thought, some people that can tell me

what it's like to live among the stars, to explore the greater

Mercatan regions and beyond.

The smaller one was very talkative, asked many questions about the

Authority and the nature of our society. I told it about the

Authority's great services to Mercatkind, his Space Fleet and how I'd

love to join it one day. It wanted to know if we had seen any strange

alien objects in our region within the last 20 revolutions around

our sun. Of course I had not been alive that long, said I.

They asked me to fly them to the city to see their friend. Hah!

Can you imagine? If I could afford flying to the inner city, I said,

I wouldn't be here anymore, would be joining the space program.

That was enough of their questions, I demanded some answers to mine.

The smaller creature, Xēcnes, told me some fascinating details about

space, was surprised I didn't know these things, as interested as I

was, it said, I had less than adequate knowledge of my own system.

How rude! Education is expensive after all. Once I have enough money,

I said, I'll be moving to the inner city, joining the program,

learning much about space and going there myself.

The taller, wider one, who had been quietly sitting there and watching

us converse, scoffed at this.

Xēcnes asked how much money I had left to save for the education after

paying for shelter and food. Truly, I was losing more money than I

made at the moment. Xēcnes made some comment to its companion about

a planet called earth and the devide of its people into classes and

castes. I quickly corrected this misrepresentation! "I may not have

been born to as much money as the Authority", I said, "but I am just

as able to earn my place in higher society as anyone else".

If I worked more hours, I informed them, I would have more money and

could eventually afford to move to the inner city. Impressed with my

dedication, someone should quickly give me a better job there and

eventually I'd make my way to the Space Fleet.

So, as they surely saw by then, their scepticism was only the result

of propaganda and whatever this earth was doing had nothing to do

with Mercatan society.

Yet still they were unconvinced.

"On my planet", said the small crabby creature, "there was no such

thing as money or paid education. I never had to work for basics like

food, shelter or knowledge. While I don't mean to disrespect your

culture, I think you should know you're not being treated fairly."

I sneered. "I'd like to see this planet that manages to keep such

a system in place without ultimately collapsing under chaos and depleted


Xēcnes stared into space and mumbled. "Yes, that would be nice."

"The easiest way to keep you living a life you don't want is to have

you believe that you have no choice", said the tall, silent man in

the corner.

Surprised that he had spoken at all and puzzled by the statement, I

was unable to think of anything to say.

embed --start 172 "Personal Log: Xēcnes"

After our engaging but fruitless encounter with Oliz (as far as Earth

and the Lovelace were concerned), St'Wek and I had the slight problem

of having no place to stay for the night. Oliz explained that while

she would be happy to help, there were strict regulations on visitors

and that each person had to pay rent for a roof over their heads,

even if it was just for the night.

Wandering the streets during the night was met with guards

telling us not to loiter and to either go home or go to work.

During the day this had not ben a problem for us, since most activity

took place during the dark hours for these noctural locals.

Thus we had no choice but to work in one of the gigantic factories

around which the tall living complexes with their tiny appartments

were built. Oliz showed us where we could work and we set about doing

so without any employment process beyond receiving a chip for

clocking in and out.

It was exhausting. Watching Oliz, who was bigger but much softer and

younger than me, handle the heavy machinery and ship parts with

hectic hands made me truly appreciate my own upbringing.

St'Wek had much less problems with the physical aspects of this work

than me, but it did bring up unpleasant memories for him.

He said nothing throughout the whole night, which in itself was a

sign of just how uncomfortable he felt, that he should not even

complain (a thing that he loved to do as much and as often

as he could).

As we exited the complex the rising sun tinted the dark red night

sky bright purple. The gentle sun beams reflected off each metal

building to bathe the grey outer ring in light, seeming to

immediately place us within mid day.

I was glad to finally get out of there, hoping never to return.

At the rim of the outer ring, towards the inner city, a stage had been

set up. Curious, St'Wek and I joined the crowd of owls that was

gathering around the stage.

logdate 23120920
embed "Other: Oliz' Diary"

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I could scarcely believe my tired eyes as the image of the purple

carriage became clear from the lighter horizon and I could recognize

the Autority himself standing on that stage, ready to address the

inhabitants of the outer ring.

As I looked around I realized I wasn't the only one feeling a mix of

confusion, wonder and pride at his presence. My new friends could

feel only the former, unable to understand the great significance of

this man. They felt much more interested in his alien companion.

The Authority started his address and at once all the chaotic discourse

between the workers seized and we gave him our undevided attention.

"As you know", said he, "I have been The Authority of our great empire

since the title was first instated. The youngest of you may not

remember the days before this. When our progress, our economic

success was limited by an elected government that listened to the word

of the cluess people and their bored scientists,

who loved making up new invisible things to be scared of.

Sooner or later our world had to realize the truth. That scientists

rely on funding, having no economic sense of their own. That what

truly decides the fate of all nations was the financial. And that

that which feeds even the highest government employees is the

simplest, most basic force of the universe: money.

And after we finally realized that there is only one real Authority

on our world, we realized too that it should not be the idle clawed,

debating men that lead the progress of a nation but the person who

understands the workings of the market the best. So we abandoned a

system that relied on electing the one who had the prettiest words

and accepted that system that puts the most logical choice in control

of our success.

And a successful time it has been. Through intelligent management I

have had the smartest scientist focus on actually working for the

common good, inventing space travel from mere junk that fell out of

the sky and stretching the unified planetary empire across known space.

More and more workers from colonized worlds are seizing the

opportunity to take part in the future of our empire, here on Mercat Prime.

Today we are proud to consider ourselves all as parts of the great


I know the times have been hard for some of you. You might be

losing hope, doubting your role in this empire. But have no more

fears, Mercatians. You may not believe the truth from my beak, but who

would contradict the Lady Amentis herself?

The ancient goddess of wealth and prosperity visits us today to strike

all fear from your hearts and to signalize a great future for Mercat

and its empire."

embed "Captains Log"

After a night of pretending to listen to my hosts ramblings we finally

entered his dark carriage that would take us to the outer ring. The

journey wasn't long with this highly equipped if tastelessy decorated

ship. While I was trying to examine the construction of the ship, the

Authority was briefing me on my speech or at least he thought he was,

since that would've required me actually listening.

I chewed a handful of insects from a container on the table.

At first I'd been reluctant to take anything from my host but soon

the hunger had won that battle. The point being that when we reached

our destination I was in such awe that my mouth stood wide open and

anything that hadn't been crunched already flew out of my mouth and

around the space ship.

I barely paid attention to what "The Authority" was saying. After

hearing him speak all night I expect that his speach was largely

self-aggrandizing and meaningless.

When I arrived I had been happy to say whatever he wanted to

finally get off the planet. But as I looked around the outer

ring that plan flew from my mind as the flies did from my mouth.

I couldn't tell what it was but as soon as I'd set foot in the

workers city something had felt.. sad. It wasn't that the buildings

and streets looked broken or dirty, in fact they were all so shiny

that the place seemed much brighter than it should at this early

hour. It was strange, it didn't feel like anyone should live here.

The people were far below our stage and I couldn't really make out

any individuals. I saw a colourful crowd of people all dressed in

the same yellow uniform. Even from this distance I could see that

a shocking number of them were small children.

I didn't even notice when the Authority stopped speaking. But

suddenly everything was silent and the attention of everyone

was now focused on me. The Authority hissed at me to speak into

the microphone, reminding me of our deal. I don't remember exactly

what I said then but it went something like this:

"Uhm. Uh. Yeah. Lady Amentis." I took a deep breath.

"So look. I've only been here for a few hours. I don't really

understand most things about your society. Like why would a space

ship need feathers on it? That seems a bit extra. Did you take

those feathers from a person?

But that's not really the thing that bothers me. What I don't

understand is this strange, almost religious obsession with money.

Now, where I come from, of course we had money. I think most

civilisations have something like that going. And I don't claim

to be an economic scientist but to me it feels like the people

who actually make all your weird space ships have to live in tiny

shiny flats far away from the action while this guy over here"

I pointed toward The Authority, of course,

"lives in a villa that's so big that it took me an eternity to even

meet him in his own house.

The Authority wants me to get up here in front of a bunch of strangers

and tell them it's all going to be okay.

But I don't know anything about markets and financial success.

What I do know a thing or two about though, is that when people get to

make all the calls because of how much power they have, those rules

won't be for the good of the people making their ships. The people

in power will only ever want more power until the bodies those

they've hurt could build a staircase straight into the burning sun,

where their flesh should be charred and rain from the skies to feed

the starving people they have wronged.

I am no goddess. I'm.. I.. Well I'm someone with an expert opinion

on what happens when power is given to people that have long lost

touch with reality, people to whom the value of life isn't a constant

fact but dependant on some artificial criteria. So no, I'm not here

to tell you it's all gonna be okay. I don't know how it will be

but I highly doubt anything will get better on its own,

especially if this guy makes all the decisions."

My closing words bounced off each metal building, clearly audible

through the shocked silence that followed. The Authority was so angry

that I almost imagined I could see steam rising from his head.

After a few seconds the discussions of the people below began and a

great chaos broke lose. The Authority spoke into his microphone but

found it wasn't as easy as it had been to get the attention

of the people.

Before he was to inevitably turn his attention to me, I thought

to quickly get away through the chaos, mounting the awfully ugly

carriage and taking off.

Flying over the crowd it wasn't long until I spotted my crew and

rescued them from the metal nightmare city. With the well equipped

ship we easily outran any pursuers and returned, finally, to the


Once on board we decided to strike Mercatan space off our route and

get as far away from it as necessary. After taking a few scans of it,

we dumped the Authority's ship in orbit of Mercat Prime.

embed 2312-09-20sa.tscript

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XECNES: There, that is enough distance. Pursuit from

here should prove too expensive to justify.

AANYA: What a trash planet. 0/5 stars would not recommend

for our next vacation.

I'm sorry we couldn't find what you wanted Xēcnes.

XECNES: Do not be sorry. I found everything I was looking for.

ST-WEK: Oh? And when was that? I was with you the whole time.

XECNES: In the chaos I had a few discussions of my own.

I inquired about the mentioned 'junk that fell out of

the sky'. One older man could tell me that this

took place what converts to about 75 Earth years ago,

the highly unusual event being accompanied by a

bright light in the sky.

That alone proves nothing of course, but after

examining our automatic scans of the ships that

intercepted us, as well as the more detailed scan of

the Authority's vessel there is no doubt the Mercatan

space ship technology is related to our Earth ship.

I would appreciate your expert opinion on this, Aanya.

AANYA: Uhm, oh wow okay let me have a look.

(beeping and clicking)

AANYA. Mh it seems the so called trash was engine related, a

backup engine probably. I didn't know we had a backup


ST-WEK: We don't. Anymore.

AANYA: So what, do you think they crashed here? But how did

they end up here anyway? Their objective was to

transport a small group of people to "Phobos" and this

ship is definetely not equiped for long deep space


ST-WEK: A wormhole?

XECNES: Anything we could come up with would be speculation.

But at least now we have more to build upon. And to

search from here.

AANYA: And all because I look like a goddess apparently.

What's up with that anyway?

XECNES: Oh I inquired about this as well. Amentis is one of

many goddesses that Mercatians used to believe in.

I suppose with the importance of money increasing her

importance increased too. I was shown a picture of

her, you do resemble her a little bit. Well, you do

not have wings but the part about spikes on your head

and purple skin match the description.

AANYA: Purple?

XECNES: Yes, the color was very common down there. From the

natural morning sky to the Authority's display of

wealth and even the currency itself.

AANYA: I don't understand, what's purple? Those were all just

sort of grey to me.

XECNES: So.. you cannot see the color purple?

AANYA: Never even heard the word before.

XECNES: I never knew that about you. Can you see my skin color?

AANYA: Yeah, sure, you're red with some black horns about you.

ST-WEK: I can't see color at all. Wasn't necessary for my job.

XECNES: Hmm, I shall remember that from now on.

ST-WEK What do you think will happen to Authority now?

To his empire?

AANYA: Honestly? I think nothing will happen to him for a

long time. A world doesn't change because of one

pretty speach. All I can hope for is that people

will think about the stuff I said, that they might

find some point in it.

No one really knows how to have the perfect society,

where no horrors ever happen. Noticing that something

is wrong is a big step for sure but what happens

afterwards isn't guaranteed to be better just

because the intentions are good.

Worlds change all the time but they are never perfect.

All they can do is try to have a better life now.

