
From: Malkonkordo Research Vessel

Destination: SOL

Position: 884.18, -15X0.66, -5368.99

Departure: 7941.037.17

Shipdate: 00002735

Mode: Search


Status Update

Status Report

Captain's Log SD2735

First, a note on our extended absense and a status update.

After the last broadcast from Malkonkordo, the cultural division brought to my

attention that based on their calculations Dekaoso Prime was observing Kvieta de

Ses, and so we were observing this blessed of traditions.

Now that the meditations and fasting inside the sensory deprivation chambers

have come to an end, the Malkonkordo is back online and we were delighted to

find the auto-pilot systems safely brought Malkonkordo within orbit of Enketu


We will remain in orbit until SD2740, until then we be using our instruments to

take data, samples, and study the planet while we await the arrival of any

vessels that wish to assist us in bringing our communication systems back


With the formalities out of the way I bring my attention to you, Corpal Sam

Arnold of the Space Cruiser Excelsior.

Unless if I am mistaken, the 500 people in your craft are meant to more or less

be breeding stock for your species to populate and roam across another planet.

To destroy them would not be in your own or your people's best interests unless

if your species has the means to asexually reproduce.

This differs from our understanding of the situation with Hoffnung, which

appeared to be some form of idealistic take over where death was used as a tool

to remove the potential non-believers that would stand in their way.

In this way, the potential non-believers were weak for trusting themselves with

potential "extremists" (as you put it) without any safety guards on their part.

To live a life so care-free and trusting of those who motives that are unknown,

it should be no surprise to find their life was taken by an opportunist who saw

their vulnerabilities.

Should you, Corpal Sam Arnold, continue to live this way you risk meeting the

same fate.

Furthermore, your routine arrogance continues to amuse us.

We agree with your assertion that trying to catch a moving target (let alone one

moving near or beyond the speed of light) would not yield ideal results, but you

also have to slow down and/or stop eventually.

You said it yourself, the Space Cruiser Excelsior is in search of another

inhabitable planet and it will be that planet that we will find you.

Space may be vast, but so is the outreach of the Dekaosans as it continues to

grow through the efforts of our research and colonizing vessels.

I will be fair, though, that since we are communicating over quantum

entanglement communication you may be able to escape the grasps of the Dekaosans

through whatever gap in time is between us.

However, should time keep you and your crew apart from the gift of Diino we are

willing to settle.

Should you leave behind any offspring on this new planet you plan to inhabit

with the 500 people you have spared eliminating now, we will be sure to finish

the job the removing their weakness from the universe to serve the mission

bestowed to us by Sinjorino.

In fact, the roles of the time gap could be reversed and my people have already

found and purged you or your decendant's weakness from the universe.

Should we regain communications with Dekaoso Prime, I'll have someone check our

records so I can let you know if we already have.

It would be the first time we had the ability to inform the weak of their

certified demise ahead of time, and I am very curious to see if knowing about

now would give you the ability to try and escape your fate.

A hunt through time certainly sounds like a task our soldiers would be eager to

take up, it should help break up the monotany that interstellar genocide of

extraterrestrials tends to bring them.

Praise be to the Sinjorino and Alportas Majeston.

~ Captain Kiu Serĉas


