
From: Starbloom Communal Distributive Projection

Destination: -

Position: -

Departure: -

Shipdate: 00002761

Mode: Docked


Status Update

Status Report

Captain's Log SD2761

Much has occurred our last status report. During our investigation of Enketu

Tri we discovered equipment upon the red planet neighboring it that we were

able to use repair our communication systems. Shortly thereafter, the Captain

contacted Dekaoso Prime to update them on the status of Malkonkordo, to have

their engineers power back on their quantum entanglement communicator (QEC) in

the event another incident like our's occurs, and to utilize their systems to

query the locations of Starbloom, Lucky Homes, and the Space Cruiser Excelsior.

He did manage to get coordinates to what we believe was the location of Lucky

Homes, but it looks like we presently did not have any known location of

Excelsior. Due to this realization, the Captain decided to handle the Lucky

Homes issue himself and requested a war vessel be sent out to search for

Excelsior. After this was done, the Captain commanded we make way towards Lucky

Homes to "pay them a visit".

It was shortly after this took place that the events that unfolded on Dekaoso

Prime took place and was later reported on all channels (now including QEC) by

Alportas Majeston about the destruction of Dekaoso Prime by the Pertulit Empire.

The crew all coped with it in different ways, and one of our researchers aboard

Malkonkordo did so by trying to deduce how the Pertulits could have possibly

found the location of Dekaoso Prime. It was only then that they realized it was

our fault. Malkonkordo broadcasted over the QEC our current location relative to

a celestial body along with how long our date of departure. The Pertulits must

have been able to work backwards from that and discover the location of Dekaoso


Also during this time, there was a great divide that formed among the crew. On

one side were the fundamentalists that felt that we should continue on with

purging all life from the universe, and on the other were the pragmatists who

felt that the threat of the Pertulits returning was too large to ignore and

with the loss of Dekaoso Prime we should look to ally with others to have some

hope of being able to defeat them once and for all. With tensions already high,

the discovery of the role Malkonkordo played in all of this threw everything

into chaos. A civil war broke out throughout the ship between the two opposing

sides, but as the extremists took out one another, those who remained tried to

work out a way to bring peace as we have already lost enough Dekaosan life as

it was.

Fortunately, as those on the fence were forced to pick a side it was discovered

that most of us were on the side of the pragmatists, many still able to recall

the stories of the Neniigo War. The fundamentalists were then given the

ultimatum to join the pragmatists or be eliminated. It did not take long after

this for the war to end, but by this point the Captain was nowhere to be seen

and assumed to be one of the casualties of war. There was a need for someone to

lead Malkonkordo, not just the next in command but someone who would represent

the new values of the pragmatists. That was when I, Kondukas Esperon, was chosen

to become the new captain of the Malkonkordo.

During our next meeting to decide how to proceed with eliminating the Pertulits,

I was the one who proposed we use our new information of the location of Lucky

Homes try to contact them and work out an alliance and peace agreement. Many of

the fundamentalists who remained among us were against this idea and stood by

the sentiments of their previous captain, and so another culling upon the crew

was performed. In total we lost almost a third of our crew, but those who were

still here were all for the new cause of allying with Lucky Homes.

Using our newly prepared communication equipment we reached out to the cats

and, after receiving the go-ahead from Quyst Trombone, Susan of Starbloom

invited the Malkonkordo to Lucky Homes. Upon our arrival we were greated by the

giantic cats that were about three times the size of the average Dekaosans.

Shortly after we finished with the docking process of the ship and getting

through the formalities of introductions, Kiu Serĉas came forth from the vessel

out of whatever hole he was hiding in and attacked one of the cats. Though only

shortly introduced, this began the first battle shared between Starbloom and the

crew of Malkonkordo as we fought Serĉas. While vastly outnumbered, he fought

like a true Dekaosan that would make Sinjorino proud if she still looked upon

us. However, he was no match for the foes that stood before him and his death

brought the Malkonkordo Civil War to its end, and strengthened the new bond

that has blossomed between Malkonkordo and Lucky Homes.

In both honor of our arrival and celebration of our victory against the late

Captain, myself and the crew were invited to the 14th Pod's upcoming scholastic

event. Once celebrations have come to an end, we hope this new alliance will

aid in our ultimate goal of saving the universe from the Pertulit Empire, but

for now we have some poetry to listen to.

Together, we will survive.

~ Captain Kondukas Esperon


