
From: Starbloom Communal Distributive Projection

Destination: -

Position: -

Departure: -

Shipdate: 000027X1

Mode: Docked


Status Update

Status Report

Captain's Log SD27X1

While Malkonkordo is equipped for battle in space, it is not prepared to go to

war with the likes of the Pertulit Empire, especially after the damages endured

during our civil war aboard the ship. For this reason, while on Starbloom we

worked out a trade agreement with the residents of the Projection to gather the

necessary supplies to begin the creation of Fortakune, a military vessel with

the combined power and might of both Dekaosans and Starbloom. The vessel is

currently still in construction, but with the aid of both nations, together we

are making quick work of getting the vessel prepared to embark on its voyage

into the cosmos. The destiny for the Malkonkordo will be to remain on Starbloom

and transition from being a vessel to being a city for the Dekaosans who will

not be joining Fortakune.

However, while Fortakune was originally created for the purpose of wiping out

the Pertulit Empire, during our time in Starbloom we have discovered that

Alportas Majeston may have arrived at the wrong conclusion as to who destroyed

Dekaoso Prime. While going over our combined star maps and observing the known

sectors of space where we last encountered the Pertulits we found it to be

desolate, lifeless, and without the usual signs of scavenged planets in the

neighboring systems that follow the course of the Pertulits. In fact, when

analyzing the impact to Dekaoso Prime to determine the origin of the attacker

based on the possible trajectories, it comes from nowhere near where we would

expect the Pertulits to reside. Which leaves us with two main possibilities:

either the Pertulits are nowhere near where we expected them to be and got

there without any of the usual traces they leave or Dekaoso Prime was destroyed

by someone else.

This discovery and its implications have led to a new realization that should

have been quite obvious to us beforehand. Before, the Dekaosan Empire would

seek out other worlds to conquer and destroy in the name of Sinjorino Diino,

but that was the only reason we did so, because we believed it to be our right

to eliminate weakness from the universe. However, after losing our home planet

and being lost in space it became quite clear how small the universe is in

respect to the resources available to all of the collective worlds living

within it. Only due to the nature of the Projection were we able to seek refuge

on Lucky Homes, but any other world would not be as welcoming. In fact, given

the precedent set by the Dekaosan Empire of destroying any world that should

reveal itself to our gaze, it should really be in the best interest of any

world to eliminate any other discovered on principle, in fear that they may try

to do the same to them.

It was from this set of implications that we discovered the more likely case of

Dekaoso Prime's destruction, once the location of our planet was discovered

through the metadata in our messages, at least one of the worlds listening

decided it would be best to destroy us. They could have chosen to do so because

of the destructive nature of the Dekaosans, or just because we were another

world that could compete with their own for resources in the galaxy in the

future. Regardless, it was from our arrogance and hubris that led to the loss

of our world. However, we are still planning to set off on Fortakune to travel

the stars, but with a new goal in mind. The Projection did not care for our

desire to destroy the other worlds to protect them, but we came to a compromise

that aligns with our interests and their morals and ethics: we will go our to

discover any signs of life in the universe and document exactly where they are

relative to their neighboring stars in three dimensional space. With this

information documented, should we ever discover them becoming a threat to

Starbloom we can use the threat of broadcasting their location into the Quantum

Entanglement Communicator as a means to deter them from causing any trouble

with their world. This threat can be trusted on the grounds that the Projection

is not inheritly violent due to them allowing another world to live among them

on their planet without having destroyed them on principle.

This is what Fortakune will seek to complish, demonstrating the strength of our

two worlds without the implicit destructions of any worlds. To bring about peace

to our shared world without ever going to war.

Together, we will survive.

~ Captain Kondukas Esperon


