Message Incoming...

Source Melchizedek.0294

Approach β Hyi

Ascension 00h 25m 45.07036s

Declination –77° 15′ 15.2860″

Distance 24.33ly

Equinox J2000.0 SOL

Year 3781, QEC adjusted

[Autotranslator enabled...]

Jerome Somerset Pasani, Warrant Master


I can report with some satisfaction that all conscious crew have

regained enough muscle mass to return to full duty. This is no

small feat so soon after abbreviated cryo and it reflects the

excellent personal character of each of our officers. Adeyemi, in

particular, deserves special acknowledgement. I previously

remarked that her own specialty does not provide appropriate

experience for our present circumstance; which, as it seems, only

belies my own ignorance of her training. Prezzi Adeyemi is an

accomplished chef--a byproduct of her training for the Rhetorical

Ecclesia--which has helped us to identify our fungal infestation

in the cryo bay. Having a fully trained exo-mycologist could not

have helped us any more.

The stow-away is a form of acrasidae, a slime mold. Our best guess

is that a few spores found their way through decontamination

procedures at launch. The lengthy darkness, ambient heat, and

condensation on the surface of the pods created a fertile

environment for it to flourish. The best news of all is that the

slime is harmless and should be easily cleaned away in short

order. Adeyemi is consulting our database to see if there's any

use for the biomass before we eject it. Perhaps we can salvage it

for nutrient use in our hydroponics.

Speaking of hydroponics, here Dr. Idjani has more concerning news.

Our systems are automated and the harvesting of organic matter

from the botany systems should be relatively straight forward.

These systems have been used commercially planet-side and in

long-distance relativistic travel for centuries even prior to our

own launch. What we're experiencing is, to use the doctor's words,


Of our dominant crops, arabidopsis and radishles (a fruiting

hybrid) have both shown unexpected mutation. There is an abundance

of nitrogen in our atmosphere as a result of whatever processes

they have undergone; we haven't pinned down exactly what that is

yet. The ventilation systems need to be purged and oxygen recycled

back in a more appropriate mix. I had failed to mention the crew's

experience of headaches in my last message having assumed it

related to early thawing from cryo, but now it seems suspect.

We're all taking in extra oxygen during rest to avoid additional

issues. The doctor says it's good that the full crew were not

brought out at once. The oxygen levels would have been dangerous

for that many conscious crew at once. We got lucky.

The food that arabidopsis and radishles would normally produce is

suspect as well. We're on rations already since we shouldn't be

awake yet, but this will be an added complication and something to

address. Finally, the mutation was not caused by replication error

as in normal mutation. It seems that several specific protein

readers were adjusted in similar ways across the genome of both

plants. We've also found similar markers affecting four other

species which did not result in a visible mutation. Whatever

happened to our greens was done en mass and with precision. We

haven't ruled out human interference, possibly by some saboteur

before launch. Honestly, I hope that's the cause. I don't want to

think of what it could mean otherwise.

In terms of navigation, Hämäläinen and Janssen have plotted

a gentle course correction that will have us back on track over

the next three weeks with only minimal impact on our energy

reserves. The reserves are precise; however, and the energy must

be balanced elsewhere. As much as it pains me, I've placed orders

across the ship that habitat lighting and heating be kept to

a minimum. We will have to use personal heating and lighting

equipment for the next three weeks. Solar lamp time is mandatory

for all five of us to avoid psychological impact, and Idjani has

distributed a vitamin mix to help augment our diet.

The cold and dark are nothing new, but such an extended period may

cause feelings of isolation and depression. The crew is paired up

for the duration at my order: Hämäläinen & Janssen, Idjani

& Adeyemi. As warrant officer, I'll be treating the QEC as my own

confidant. May the stars see us through this safely.

