Message Incoming...

Source Melchizedek.0294

Approach β Hyi

Ascension 00h 25m 45.07036s

Declination –77° 15′ 15.2860″

Distance 24.33ly

Equinox J2000.0 SOL

Year 3781, QEC adjusted

[Autotranslator enabled...]

Jerome Somerset Pasani, Warrant Master


The doctor has been continuing his investigation of the mutation

we discovered in the arabidopsis, radishles, sevetine, and

mustards. I have attempted to assist where my limited ability

allows. His search has turned up something odd. We hope it's

a mistake with our methods or contamination of samples, but with

all of the other sensor readings...

Our crops in botany bay one are all showing human protein chains.

Moreover, the gene editing we discovered earlier has been

confirmed to match patterns from several of the crew in cryo. It's

like something picked up their DNA and pasted it onto the damned

arabidopsis. I can't even begin to fathom what could do that, or

why it would want to.

The worst part of it is that Moussa can't say with certainty that

the reverse hasn't happened. We don't have equipment on-board to

sequence crew DNA while in flight. We're just going off personnel

records at this point. It pains me to say this, but the best we

can do is look through the glass and check to make sure no one is

turning green. I'm turning a little green just thinking about it.

Every ache and pain, strange sensation, or QE sensation that we

experience is throwing up warnings. Janssen needed to be relieved

of duty for a time after the data was shared with the others. She

was convinced that roots were growing under her skin. Moussa

Idjani sedated her and Hämäläinen has stayed with her since. I'm

assured that our specialist just had a bit of panic and is ready

for duty again. I wish I had some duty to give her.

With our course corrections made and the fungal infestation

cleared out of cryo, the only mystery remaining is in botany and

the rest of us are simply not much help. Adeyemi is pressuring me

to wake up Xavier and Kroups. Hydroponics & phytology are their

domain. The resources of the Melchizedek will not support us

continuing to wake others, though. Once Moussa confirms his

findings I'll have to make the call.

I have only mentioned to the doctor that I've been experiencing

some strange things myself. With Janssen's reaction I don't want

to cause a general panic. There's been a feeling of increased

pressure in my head, and I've been noticing strange smells around

the ship that others don't seem to notice. Idjani thinks it's

likely stress from our situation, or some byproduct of cryo

affecting my inner-ear. We're monitoring it regardless. If

something were to happen to me, ship control will fall to the

Seriph of Rhetorical Ecclesia, Prezzi Adeyemi. She is more than

capable of completing our mission if it comes to that.

Prezzi, on the off-chance you're reading these logs and something

has happened to me, I have a series of messages on my personal

slot that I'd like you to toss on the relay for me. They're


Unrelated to everything else, there's an issue with out sun lamps.

Janssen, Hämäläinen, and I have all been experiencing vitamin

deficiencies that should have been wiped away with an hour or two

in the rays. We're clocking much more time than should be

necessary to keep healthy. I suspect the lamps have malfunctioned

in some way, though it doesn't seem to have the same impact on

Idjani and Adeyemi. Their skin pigmentation, perhaps?

Tonight's sleep cycle marks the end of our first week of sixteen

before we begin planet-fall. Let's hope the rest of the trip will

be quiet.

