Message Incoming...

Source Melchizedek.0294

β Hyi, 4th Planet

Ascension 00h 25m 45.07037s

Declination –77° 15′ 15.2860″

Distance 24.37ly

Equinox J2000.0 SOL

Year 3782, QEC adjusted

[Autotranslator enabled...]

Prezzi Adeyemi, Seriph Rhetorical Ecclesia


Melchizedek Serial 0294 Ecclesiastic Report

Ship has completed repairs on 4th planet, β Hyi. Specialist

Janssen's assessment of the damaged botany sector was admirable

and detailed a swift repair action. Janssen has since been

transitioned to the beta site on 3rd planet, β Hyi, for structure

planning and survey duty of phase two. She is joined by Dr.

Kroups, Navigator Hämäläinen, and Specialists Brewer, Hanks, and

Ostergarten. We have temporarily reassigned Warrant Master Pasani

to the beta site for psychological recovery and personal liberty.

The primary work on the alpha site is on schedule. Our habitats

were staged and activated within 72 hours of landfall, and the

crew has all fully emerged from cryosleep without further

biological incident. Pre-seeding efforts have been initiated. Land

masses are nominal, weather patterns within tolerance. Systematic

seeding will commence within 10 days. First cycle will require

three months, standard, or 12 years local time. The rotation and

orbit of alpha site should promote accelerated growth according to

latest models from Specialist Coleman Nguyen (Debra is assigned to


Medical reports that migraine incidence post cryo exceeds forecast

models and are being treated ad hoc. Doctors Spinelli and Reed

have reviewed Doctor Idjani's preliminary work while in flight and

are preparing a separate report to follow. Hildar Simms remains in

quarantine, now at 62 days. He is being monitored for

psychological effects from isolation, though several of the crew

have volunteered to spend their liberty in visitation. The

arabadopsis genetic markers are still present but have not

undergone any further change since the first event in transit.

I have indicated to our medical team that isolation is not to

exceed 90 days, per regulation. If no further data emerges by

then, Sergeant Simms will resume his duty in logistics.

Finally, Staff Sergeant Maureen Hendrix has been disciplined for

unapproved conception. The incident took place prior to cryogenic

suspension and was undisclosed. Due to the nature of our mission

and limited resources, the embryo has been extracted and placed in

stasis pending seeding cycle.

Morale is high in both alpha and beta sites and there have been no

other disciplinary actions taken since landfall. As we enter seed

cycle one, alpha site will enter alert stage one. We foresee no

probable crew issues.

