Well, to be frank, everything was screwed.

The main computer is fried. We have no idea what did it in, it was

working fine up into the weird mass disappeared. But as you can

see, the fact that this message is being sent means that we fixed

it, somehow.

I'm handing over to the Chief Technician now to explain what


~ Captain


Wow! My first time using QEC, I'm so excited! I was so annoyed at

Captain for not letting me use it, he insisted that I was not

allowed to use it withou express permission, but since I am a

honest and sincere person, I kept my word not to use it.

I went of on a tangent, didn't I, I do that a lot. I must make a

note to ensure I don't do that anymore. Hold on just a minute....

Ok, I'm good now, I can actually start my recount. It was the

weirdest thing I'd ever done. The Most Hacky Solution.


I was going around, repairing each of the sub-computers, that

single-task, each performing a specific tasks. All of these

sub-computers are linked in a network to the main computer. Once I

finally finished all of the sub-computers, I turned my attention

to the most difficult job - repairing the main computer.

Some of the circuitry in the main computer is beyond even my

abilities, and if I do say so myself, I think that I am pretty

well learned and know what I am doing with stuff.

Anyway, I looked at it, and on first glance I could tell it was

fried. The QPU (Quantum Processing Unit), top end of the range,

256 qubits, was cracked. No salvaging that. The motherboard's

connectors were blackened. It was the strangest thing I have seen

in my 30 years of working with ship computers.

I turned my attention to finding a cold spare, if they had one

and exploring the possibility of using one of the sub-computers

as the main computer.

Alas, each of the sub-computers did not have the functionality

required to be used as the main computer. The main computer

requires multitasking functionality, which all of the

sub-computers did not have.

This ship was built in the little space of time - the period known

as the 'Singletasking Revolution'. This got quickly shot down by

experts, but the gist was that most computers should only do one

task and they are all controlled by one multitasking computer.

In the meantime, my assistants were looking for a cold spare, if

it even existed. They looked through every corner of the ship.

There wasn't one.

I asked, "Are there ANY other multitasking computers on the ship?"

I was met with no's all around, except for one junior assistant.

"Sir?" he said meekly. "There is that relic of a computer? We have

no information about it. Maybe we could look at that?"

To start, I dismissed him with a flick of my hand. What a dumb

idea, I thought. It would never work.

However, one of my most senior assistants told me that she

thought the idea may have some merit and it may be worth

exploring. If it was anyone else, I would have likely said no way

and put them on some boring duty, but since I secretly have a huge

crush on her (oh no I really hope she dosen't see this), I decided

to go ahead.

For many days and nights I tried to figure out this computer. Here

is the information I have gathered:

- Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04. It seems to be an ancestor of

our far superior Linux computers, it runs a kernel named 'Linux'

and some parts of the codebase look familiar.

- QPU: none. there is a CPU however, a Central Processing Unit,

made using the Earth material silicon.

- RAM: 8 Gigabytes. Are you serious? Our main computer had a

Terabyte of RAM!

- Drive: It's not even a solid state drive. It's a frickin

mechanical hard drive. It has frickin moving parts. It's tiny

too, only 1 Terabyte! WTF

Ok, now that you've seen those APPALING specifcations, now I can

launch into how in the world we connected it up to the system.

This was very easy, and a stroke of luck. Some of you vetran

adminstrators might remember USB-C? Well this computer had it.

Luckily we had a USB-C to USB-X adaptor lying around, so it was

pretty easy to connect it up to the system.

However, software was a completely different matter. We needed to

write custom software for it. Many of the junior adminstrators

had never even heard of C or C++, so we had to teach them C++.

Of course I remembered it as well as I remember my own face.

Too easy for me!

After hard work and perspiration, we finally had hacky code

working with all the other computers. It took us ages, and it

probably saved our lives, but I still don't get enough credit for



I cut him off. As you can see, he is a spolit idiot. But he did

save our lives so I'll let him have it this one time.

But anyway, good to be back, and I hope to see one of you soon

so we can get that main computer crap repaired.

Signing off,

