
Entry 3 -- Sister Mariam

To my sisters, wherever you may be:

The future is written in the name of the One. His qadr is hidden

in the facade of choice, and though he does not set our path for

us, He sees it as He sees all. As it is written, No calamity

befalls on the earth or in yourselves but it is inscribed in Al

Lawh Al Mahfooz before We bring it into existence.

In a short time, we will reach [REDACTED] and the pages of my

story will be fulfilled. They will end as they must, as they

always were meant to end. He will fulfil the desire of them that

fear him. My desire is for Him alone. I've know it since my first

days in Madrasa, and I've always known where he would lead me.

Three hundred years we have circled our star since the Jinn came

to our world. Three hundred years have we cried in the night,

suffering in their grip. He has tested us. We grew fat and lazy in

our homes and ships. Life was easy, and so we forgot our prayers

and forgot our duties. We spoke against the prophets and debated

the truth. When they came we were weak and frivolous, like sands

drifting across a desert. We were so easily scattered before their

wind. But now we are worn down and crushed together. We are rock,

diamond. Our faith is our strength.

The Jinn blaspheme against His glorious existence in their words

and deeds. They use their power to enslave us and doom themselves.

The Qur'an is clear on what must be done to creatures such as

these. They have broken his commandments by their existence in our

world, and they further blaspheme with their treatment of His sons

and daughters.

It is the duty of all followers of the Divine to destroy the Jinn

in all their forms, in all their faces, in all their places. They

will be torn down and burned, their ashes sent into the stars.

Their worlds will be cleansed in fire. Their children will be

consumed in the flames. Their temples will be leveled until no

stone lay atop another. When all trace of the Jinn has passed,

then too shall the believers cease to speak their name until even

the memory is lost. Allah's creation of fire and smoke will return

to it and leave only men to serve in righteousness.

To my mother, I swear. To my father, I swear. To my sisters, to

each of you, I swear. My story will end with theirs, and we will

all rejoice in Heaven. This has always been my path and I walk it

gladly. I smile even now. If you saw me on the streets of Doon you

would think me simple with my radiant joy. I will be laughing as


Pray not for me, sisters, but for yourselves. Pray that your own

story takes you to your enemy's door.

