..: Pizo :..

Third Transmission: Shifting to Simplo-Lang

hi, earthlings

part 1 about simplo

section about whats simplo

im writing in simplo

simplo is the same as simplolang

simplo is like ansesta

ansesta is the same as english

we use simplo for fun in pizo planet

i think you can read simplo better than my

clumsy ansesta

ill write to you in simplo

simplo is ugly but its simple

section about simplo rules

we avoid these things





we use space instead of punctuacion

we love small words and small sentences

we avoid speaking simplo

we only write and read simplo

simplo is bad for poems

pretty messages and complicated things

but you can try

you write subject first

verb second

and other things last

we write hes and shes

and avoid he's and she's

but that seems hard at first

we try to be explicit

but saying just enough

section about my thoughts on simplo

simplo could be better

simplo is just a kids game in planet pizo

i think a teacher made simplo up for kids to learn ansesta

but i think it worked badly

i like simplo anyway

part 2 about today

section about dreamy bar lady

our airship pizo landed on pomora isle bay

pomora isle is a wee isle on moonjami

moonjami is a group of thousands of isles in planet pizo

pomora and moonjami lack other meanings

we went to harbor in our auxiliary craft

our auxiliary craft is solar powered too

by the way

we went to bar

we spoke to bar lady

she told us that shes an earthling

shes wrong

i thik she feels an earthling because shes read too many

books on earth

but shes nice

we told her about QEC

she wants to send you a message

care for earth

she is sad about warming in 2023 and other years too

i find hard to understand why shes sad

it happened very long ago indeed

i hope you solved it


but you are unable to call back

i think

section about boring stuff

we unloaded and did some trade after that

we went back to our airship and thats all the important

things of today

bye earthlings!

