Razzy guz, QEC. This node's ruggd as damn. Earnest truth,

I lost ereyesterlun or some and she's been vapor since. Life got

in a fab mess and bodies and bodies of tales had me going.

LLL, they say. Anywise, your Emmi's back!

Mannerheim metrostop is my base now. No more boring-Spöring for

Em, oikea. It's not the mass flat from the 200 lun week, not by

half. Mannerheim's score, but costs are costs. Creds dont last


After that whole Leo biz I was polar with the girls and stoked to

dig in new ports. I did I did! I even rode the sails upside twice.

Big armed boy bodies navd by hand with lines and hooks. It was

wild and free as damn. Did you know they paint your personface

with shiny crem cause of the rads? I looked a prop bot. Can you

playdream? That's how you spot upside bodies in Mannerheim,

anywise. The crem is tacky ruggd and stays thick by the eyes.

Speaking of upside bodies, your Emmi spake true. Dreamy eyes and

big arms said I, and Garen's arms are score juicy. He and I are

mixing up lots when he's in Mannerheim. He's a sail jock like

I says, with the ropes and hooks. He's score score score, and

grown. Like polar Leo. He's off for a tenday now. When his sail

comes back we're gonna zip down to Uusi Jyväskylä to see Grandpa.

Garen's gonna be stoked up with family grub. I want Grandpa to dig

into him before mum. She can be classy bout boys. Grandpa knows

about sails and skids and all that surface stuffs. He was orbital

in his day. Garen's gonna eat it.

It's been ruggd here, earnest truth. Before Garen I skid out all

over digging my pathways. There was some Emmi shame days, sigh

sigh. That first tenday was score, then the moneys went. I tried

pop serving but I'm frank bad at it. So many needy bodies! Much

much yelling, and cooks are mean as damn. Anywise, they all stress

and drug and it's a pit. So I was out quick. Might a been asked to

go, and not nice, earnest truth. It was hard.

Next I ran packs with my tram for a bit. Dockside has lots of pack

runs, but the juice costs are on you out of the tunnels, and pack

runs don't pay much more than juice. All days I ran and hiss.

Tired Emmi days. Almost went home then.

Met a gal, Sara, round then. She led me to flower work, with

soils. Black finger tips day in day then, but score pretty, and

I oikea plant-likes. Sara is raz, but a bit classy. Anywise, not

much to say on her cept score body, and now a partner friend.

I cared for her pup when she took a zip for a two tendays. He's

way classy with a bad hip. You have to lift him proper into his

bed, but he's a sweet sweet boy. He sniffs you proper and does

this circle walk before he sits. When he's happy there's big

sighs. Anywise, Sara was worked up proper after and stoked with

smiles for me. Then she sent me over to her school mate Jacki.

Jacki's another Jacinda, but goes by Jacki. Thanks be or you'd be

spinning with questions! Jacki runs a hub for the care bodies.

That's um, like the classy ones that are aged so they need help to

lift and wash, like Riku (Sara's pup). There's other care bodies

too, who get knocked or grew up with need helps. That's where

I service now. No pop serving for me, proper helper is your Emmi!

Pay's razzy and I've got my own closet place. A bed, a wash, and

even a cook place. It's proper for me, but I spend most days at

Garen's flat when he's home. He's got space for days (and a bigger

bed). Shush you. Don't tell mum.

I never once did playdream life like this. Garen score. Job score.

Closet score. Little red tram score. It wasn't all flashes and

raz. I skipped hard on some parts. Tears tears tears. But maybe

later. Today is happy Emmi day and my node is back for shares!

After this tenday, when Garen sails back, he says nextlun or

overnextlun when he's got a pretty run he's gonna take me along.

I'll need a proper surface suit and crem, but I might even get to

see a metrohub and elevator. If we see an elevatorr I don't care

if it's my whole savings, that's proper razzy score as damn and

I'm going upward. None of my bodies have been to orbit since

Grandpa. Space-Emmi could be next! Maybe maybe.

Loves to my 'verse friends. Hopes for wellness.

Emmi Halla: Nurse Assistant 3rd Class
