AUTHOR: Malcom D.

It's not easy to make some adjustments in one's life, but

eventually I took the courage and made it. Two fortnights

ago I resigned. I went though all the required discussions,

and now we are finally packing up. Our departure slot is

register for a couple of local days from now, corresponding

to 31 earth hours. The SVERSYL is almost ready to leave


I already said goodbye to a couple of good guys from my

soon-to-be-former crew, as they will work on one of the

Fnynzr moons for a while. I will take my leave of old

Arnold: we invited him for dinner.

I've got no other friends on the station. All those kids

can take a deserved walk on Fnynzr. More than once I was

tempted to parametrise that crappy synthesiser in a legal

(yet somewhat unusual) way, so that it would burn

spectacularly and show how incompetent they are. But this

would put even more stress on my good friends.

Actually I'm doing my best to leave everything in proper


Working with these components is hard. When I started my

career as engineer, building system infrastructures was very

simple, and you could do everything in your workshop.

Nowadays you have to put a clumsy tech-suit on for any

random little operation, and I still fail to see any

advantage with this new way of working.

To overcome these limitations I invented a trick: I'm using

one of the CBQ supports to get myself close to the bus

joint. The supports are intended for the transportation and

assembly of synthesised artifacts, but if I use them to

carry myself it becomes much easier to do the wiring. Sure,

it is slightly dangerous, and the process is not canonical.

But as I said, quality doesn't matter anymore.

I've sent a couple of messages to some fellows and, if

everything goes smooth, both me and Janet should be able to

get a new job on Rqtr. They need both system and

communication engineers, even though it is not clear what

they need it for. We will figure out...

