Message Incoming...

Source Starbloom Communal Distributive Projection

γ Aquarii [Lucky Homes]

Ascension 22h 21m 39.37542s

Declination –01° 23′ 14.4031″

Distance 178.211ly

Equinox J2000.0 SOL

Year 2446, QEC adjusted

[Autotranslator enabled...]

Susan, Speaker Elect of Cheer Systems, 14th Pod


Merry meet, citizens and travelers of the wide 'verse. We greet

you all in peace with wishes of joy and harmony on this most holy

of days. It is my special privilege to welcome all of our Dekaosan

brothers and sisters to their first Beltane celebration as a part

of the Projection.

We woke this morning to baskets of fresh flowers by children

across the 14th pod. Our roads are crowded with celebrants,

lovers, and pilgrims. The festive air gave birth to music at dawn

which will continue long into the night. Our May Poles are packed

with glee!

Over the last few weeks it has been my personal honor to guide

Captain Esperon through the circles of communal life. He is such

a joy, and such a funny man. Tonight I hope to show him something

extra special unique to the Beltane celebration. May it bring our

people even closer.

Our feline bretheren have their own festivities in the nests and

towers and their mewling adds to the chorus of the day. This is

life! This is the music of living!

While we at Starbloom Communal Distributive Projection recognize

the different stellar calendars in practice throughout the Aquarii

region, all are welcome to join us as if it were May the First on

the old calendar. Welcome to Summer! May the Goddess bless you!

