Message Incoming...

Source Starbloom Communal Distributive Projection

γ Aquarii [Lucky Homes]

Ascension 22h 21m 39.37542s

Declination –01° 23′ 14.4031″

Distance 178.211ly

Equinox J2000.0 SOL

Year 2448, QEC adjusted

[Autotranslator enabled...]

Susan, Speaker Elect of Cheer Systems, 14th Pod


Merry meet, 2M, Personage of Variable SQUIGGLE-STATE~

Blessed Diana help me, but we seem to have run into a bit of

a cultural bungle, haven't we? As Speaker Elect of Cheer Systems

please let my formally apologize for any inconvenience our ritual

may have caused. Are we correct in assuming your mores venerate

aspects of creation and sustenance? Our blessed act of destruction

must have seemed downright barbaric to you. Fear not, new friend.

We shall make amends promptly.

Our cat engineers are truly in their element as aspects of

destruction, but we of the projection are many and varied. We have

asked a few students from our secondary communal education

initiative to think of of an appropriate means of formalizing our

gratitude and ameliorate the situation. They have put together

a school project for just the occasion.

As I write this message, Ms. Privett--third proctor of the

secondary communal education initiative for the 14th Pod--has

brought with her three young persons to perform the

student-ritual. First is Jacson Bettlemar, an aspiring bung player

and first chair tonsil. He is acting the part of the seed. Next is

Emory Xiaping-Mendoza, a brilliant young artist and author of what

I hear is a very popular synthetic drug with the children. They

will be acting the part of the stratum. And finally we have Molly

Saand, who is just a cutie. Molly will be the ether-spark.

And so, without further ado, the ritual is begun. Though this is

only a juvenile ritual we all agreed it would be a much better fit

for a society such as yours. We do so hope you enjoy it.

With the words spoken and energies set forth, the spell of solar

reification is begun. While we would have loved to have used the

energies of the 2M Supernova for this, what is done cannot be

undone, but only transform into what is next. Instead the children

have chosen the nearby nebula as the starting point. Together the

children have realized a new star in your honor and are bringing

it into being, along with a solar system of 13 planets, a lovely

Oort cloud, two asteroid belts, and a few dwarf planets to even

out the numbers. We will leave their naming to you, of course!

Oh yes, I've nearly forgotten the best part. We are seeding life

on three of the rocky planets which will have habitable

atmospheres and all three will be filled with your screaming

snapdragons in your honor. Isn't that amazing? Three whole

screaming planets!

Thank you so very much for sending along the DNA information. We

had hoped for a more thorough description but never imagined such

data would be passed along.

Brunhilda Ogandabe has been pouring over the data since it came

over the QEC. I don't believe she's been to sleep the entire time!

If you do manage to make the 300 megaparsecs trek at some later

date in this life or the next, please do drop by. We would love to

have you for tea.

Blessed be.

