
= Source : Stormsong =

= Destination : Hopes and Expectations =

= Subject : Desert Beauty =



This is an attempt at re-sending a message in response to you

making planetfall, as transcription cognition engine seems

to have been making errors on which data goes to which bits

of entiangled data.

So, this message is being re-broadcast after night-time prayer

and contemplation of my current explorations.

Your message cytes mineral extraction from a desert world of

remarkable aesthetics around an O Type star. This brings to

my mind a story with picts of a man who had, on finding a

desert world he wished to turn into a local land-racing hub

went mapping routes for road courses to be lain out. During

this expedition he came upon a bluffoverlooking a most scenic

vista. Instead of putting spectator stands, or a structure up

he decided to, by hand, move an overstuffed chiar, the likes

one would find in an oldstyle [Temple of Knowledge]/Library]

chair to the spot and would sit there, watching others race

by, or simply to watch the local sun rise/set.

I have not been to this place, yet the scene as described, and

the picts shown do leave it as an interesting experiance. On

the other hand, were it to become a popular tourist spot, I am

afraid that such natural splendor would be worn down by many

feet stomping a path to and from this place, and the desert

littered and choked by the detritus of those wishing to be

vanely seen by others as opposed to taking the lonely road for

their own enrichment.

As an aside, while I am more fond of K-Types? The cosmicly

brief span of an O type's life holds a terror and wonder that

I can appreciate. For your own safety I do hope you have the

proper protective clothing and or skin coverings if you are of

the unaugmented baseline strain of humanity, or have augments

rated for the harsher spectrums such a bright candle throws to

the stellar winds.

Great Maker guide and illuminate your path,

- Malak -


