[Transcribed into QEC compatible format]


I'm aware of the bonds That were created today When you told me

that sure theres a way. The water is so still and my pain has gone.

--------------------Peter Crosby - A Wanderer----------------------


One female. [Baseline Human]

Two [Post Humans][Heavy Gene Manipulation][SUBSTANDARD MINDS]

[Post Humans] hostile. Found while performing manual confirmation

of manifest contents.


Female post human. Adaptations for high radiation world. Pebbled

Reptillian-esque blue skin amongst other features that mark her as

clearly post-sapian.

No communications as of yet. Body gestures and motions. She has

indicated the [SUBSTANDARD MIND] post humans are a threat and are

to be treated as animalistic.

Attempts at communicating via linguistics has found she understands

several [SLOW/INEFFECIANT] linguistic modes, but appears to lack

[EFFECIANT] digital modes. Either she is purely a genmoded servant

or cybernetic augments are of an isolated nature.

Given her physique and apparent familiarity with station layout I

presume she is part of station security.


She saw me going thorugh crew logs and manifests when we stopped to

regroup and reassess. There were other [SUBSTANDARD MIND] entities

roaming about. What follows is a transcription that happened

shortly after I had settled into analysis of crew logs.


Darkstar: I am giving you more leeway than you have any right

considering you casually shredded several layers of security to

access those crew files.

Malak: The station appeared unoccupied. There were no transmissions

from any of the planets in system. No other orbital installations.

By right of exploration I made claim to uncover what happened here.

Darkstar: No other- Nothing? Communications is sending positive

status. There's no reason the system settlements would have gone


Malak: Agreed. Station communications behaves within expected

parameters and has a valid QEC connection.

Darkstar: I... have seen your transmission logs. A truncated

message aimed at a mining expedition, truncated report of your

stationfall, and attempted corrections of mis-transmitted logs. I

daresay not the most ringing endorsement.

Malak; [annoyance] I beg pardon? [embarassment]

Darkstar: ....you're a machine worshipper aren't you?

Malak: [indignant] I believe in the trancendence of humanity past

the confines of the biological and the study of technology left

behind during the diasporea. Yes.

Darkstar: So long as you understand that unless we have absolute

proof. The station's AI must remain intact.

Malak: My order has contingencies on leaving such abominations in

place so long as they are sufficiantly chained down. Yes.

Darkstar: For what it's worth. Thank you for letting me take lead.

Malak: This is your station. The metadata in your digital footprint

shows you are of this station. Why would I treat you as anything

other than one of the rightful custodians? That you are a grown

and purpose made piece to the security aparatus makes no matter to


Darkstar: Still. it is appreciated. do not stay up too late. I wish

to get an early start on seeing if any of my cohort remain.

Malak: Likewise. Wake me before you turn in. I do not trust drone

security with these... degenerated humani-formed things roam. They

may still posess a low cunning to guide them to us.

Darkstar: Fair.

I am given to understand there are cultures that view those in

Darkstar's life-situation as sub-human servants at best, to be

cast off at a whim. My order has had this debate and discussion as

well, and while my acceptance of her as a peer may run counter to

what hardliners in my order see as proper. My own willingness to

treaty with those outside of my order would be just as damning to

thier sensor logs.

I shall proceed with exploration, and if possible, restoration of

this station as I investigate what has made this system go dark.

- Malak -

