
= Security Report : Stormsong Station Crew Deralection. =

= To : Coalition Astrological Affairs =

= Security Division =

= From : Stormsong Security Adjunct Commander =



= Nature of Report : Requests for Information and Aid =

= Priority : Urgant =


Most Relevant Information:

Station Stormsong normal inhabitation compromised. No authorized

persons found on board station. Contact with station AI has failed.

Only asistance currently to hand is a traveling monk of one of the

clockwork faiths. Auto-Creech units for decanting more of my kind

were shut off while I was in stasis and as of transmission are in

a self-diagnostics test that, as I understand, cannot be safely

halted without potential damage. First relief units will start to

be decanted in [Fifteen Earth-Standard Days] and those units will

be field viable in [One Earth-Standard Solar Year.]

Automated security has so far only given passive resistance to

further exploration. At my urging, Malak has not yet attempted to

breech any of the still locked doors.

Degenerate Humanoids: Ferals - Irregular Antagonists 01

While there are indavidual idiosyncracies and variance in dress as

well as how they interact with the surroundings? By and large?

These Ferals display several common traits that leave me wanting

to lump them in a collective basket.

Note: Malak's run recordings of these noises through his ship's

linguistic's systems and this isn't language. However it may be a

precursor, or more likely more on the order of what animals such

as dogs, or even apes from Old Earth were capible of.

any sort of hair. Their eyes have the same structures as unaugmented

human eyes, but the pigmentation is such that there is an almost

uniform milky color. If they were once unaugmented humans that got

mutated by an airborn pathogen it does a damned good job of taking

away any sort of identifying features. I'm sure a detailed scan of

musculature and bone structure could give more clues, but my

medical training begins and ends at first aid, and hoping an auto-

doc can patch someone up.

to have a greater degree of motion tracking, but loses out on fine

detail. Testing their accuity is a bit tricky, but they seem less

sight dependant, or it could just be they lack the ability to do

more than grapple, bite, hit, etc so don't pay much mindto anything

that isn't close to hand.

me suggests nothing as there is a lot of station to explore and

their young wouldl ikely be kept in the groves.

they are not the original crew degenerated, that would mean they

both recognize the value in clothes, and can dress themselves,

suggesting a level of intellect on par with the prototype series

of augments that lead to my generation [Epsilon] of genmods.

perview to terminate them as several contain implants that allow

interfacing with sensetive systems and could unintentionally

lead to any number of disaster scenerios ranging from the reactor

going critical, to de-orbiting the station, or even weapons fire

in indescriminate directions causing navigation hazards to any

ships passing through.

Clockwork Monk: Malak Falco - Monk - Irregular Asset 01

Either he is branded a heretic, or comes from one of the more

leniant sects. Malak treats me as a peer rather than property or

as equipment. Though on reflection given how he has treated and

talked to the non-sapiant machinery he has interfaced with either

to service or gather information from I suppose he could still

think of me as such. I have yet to see him interact unambigously

with someone whom would be considered peer or superrior. He has

been relatively easy to work with and has taken my considerations

into account while exploring.

Plan of action:

Until proper reenforcements are either contacted, or grown, I am

the only non-digital being on this station with clearance and

credentials. As such, I am prioritizing exploration and finding

out what has happened first on station, and then the wider


Near Term - Secure Stormsong station and gather materials needed

for growth of proper expeditionary force to make planet-fall and

see why we have not been contacted. Estimate this will take at

a minamum and most generious, a year and a half earth-standard.

In addition to biological units, ships and arms must be built,

which will take resource harvesting.

Long Term - If system population turns outto be nothing but

Ferals, my job is to repopulate the system both to preserve

existing knowledge and technology in-system, and if all

prior inhabitants are Ferals, this gives the substrain of

humanity I belong to a chance to have a solar-system of our own

for however long we can hold onto it.

If vaults of normal humanity my substrain was created to serve

still exist, I am obligated to seek them out. My mind is split

on this mandate, but what I want, doesn't matter in the face of

the potential for survivors.

In Closing:

Any thought of plans must wait for securing Stormsong, and

continuing to remain on reasonable terms with the Monk, as

his technical knowledge, for the time being, is needed.
