
Vessel: J. Titor

Log entry: 01


I am still trying to figure everything out, but i think this console here is

some sort of combined communications and logging device... i should really

read the manual, but on the other hand, they should not have put me in this

ship without at least a bit of rudimentary training. "You will learn on the

way" they said, "nothing too complicated" they said, "think of it as training

on the job" they said... hah, have you ever tried to use a zero-g toilet

without at least a hint how it functions? Took me hours to clean up...

Ehm, i am rambling, what i wanted to say is (especially to my "adivsor" at the

job centre): I have settled in and i will NOT quit this job anytime soon (would

be a bit foolish 1,5 LY away from home, wouldn't it?), tomorrow i will reach

the right coordinates to make the first of my sheduled time jumps, i will report

back after i completed it.
