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Subject: Headlines: September 5-11, 2421

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September 5 (UPI) - Former president of Earth, Anders Maxwell, in a

September 4 appearance on "This Week Tonight" discounted persistent

rumors that the governments of Luna and Titan will soon announce an


"Look," a visibly agitated Maxwell said. "Even if we're going to

grant these secessionist, scofflaw regimes the courtesy of being

called governments, there is no chance they're going to throw in

together. After all the time and effort they spent insisting they

owed nothing to Earth and should be allowed to do just as they

please regardless of any effect it might have on the mother planet,

to imagine that either of them might turn around now and give the

other, or anyone, a veto over any action they might choose to

take - it's frankly absurd."

Maxwell dismissed claims of increased traffic between Titan and

Luna as merely economic in nature. "Smuggling, that's what they're

doing," Maxwell said. "Dodging the Titan embargo. Well, we'll see

about that. I have it on good authority that the General Assembly

is considering a bill to extend that embargo to Luna. Let's see how

they do when neither of them has any more access to insystem

markets, and all they can do is sell to rock-hopping belter scum

and those layabout Martian miners."

Reached for comment, a spokesman for Public Information noted that

Maxwell has recently returned to public life from a five-year term

of custodial supervision imposed following his impeachment for

peculation, and no longer has any role in government. "We

appreciate Mr. Maxwell's prior service, despite its ignoble end,"

the spokesman said. "His current statements are those of a private

individual, and cannot be taken as representative of any position

Earth's government may or may not have on this or any other



September 6 (UPI) - In response to rumors of a military buildup

ahead of a widely predicted Moon-Titan treaty announcement, a

spokeswoman from Earth's Office of Public Information addressed a

press conference with this firm statement:

"The President has recently become aware of rumors swirling around

various in- and out-system bulletins about potential responses to

the political situation between Earth, Earth's moon, and the FTL

research colony on Titan.

"Let me be clear: Rumors of a military buildup are categorically

false. We are actively investigating these claims, and expect soon

to report that we have identified their origin. In the meantime,

our representatives to Earth's moon and the Titan colony have been

instructed to communicate to their counterparts our most sincere

wishes for continued peaceful relations."

The spokeswoman declined to entertain questions.


September 7 (MNN) - Today begins the fourth month of the Martian

mining guilds' general strike, with no sign of substantive

concessions from either side. Martian governor Reinhard Ritter,

backed by a squad of armed guards, made an appearance outside Red

Rock Guild headquarters to warn guild leaders that they are

"risking strong measures" unless they resolve to come to the

negotiating table very soon.

"The Martian Trust has listened in the past to your legitimate

concerns, and we will do so again," Governor Ritter said in a

prepared statement. "We understand that a degree of give and take

is necessary for a productive working relationship. However, we

will not forever tolerate work stoppages, sabotage, and other

undisciplined manifestations of directionless unrest. I beseech

you: Do not make it necessary for the Trust to investigate options

beyond amicable resolution."

A representative of the Red Rock Guild responded, in a statement

directly to Mars Newsnet, that Governor Ritter's claims amount to

"a self-serving denial of the lethally dangerous working

conditions, and the lack of medical and economic support for the

hard-working Martian labor force, which have driven us to take

these measures in defense of our lives and our loved ones."

Asked for comment on these statements, the Martian Trust

headquarters in Chicago said only that they have complete

confidence in Governor Ritter's ability to "effectively resolve"

the situation, and that the governor has the full support of the

Martian Trust.

Shortly before press time, a self-described spokesperson for Ceres

Hollow sent a recorded statement which, as far as could be

understood, expressed strong support for the Martian guilds'

position, and threatened "dire consequences" should the Martian

Trust resort to coercion. Reached for brief comment on the

retaliatory claim, retired wing general and military analyst Nathan

Coopersmith described it as "nonsense".


September 7 (UPI) - In the latest blow to the prospects of the

Green Ganymede Project, radiation flares produced by fluctuations

in Jupiter's upper cloud layers have "severely impacted" the

viability of the project's pilot farm domes.

"We're still working to understand the full extent of the damage,"

the project's engineering head said today. "It will take some time

to be certain, but at this point we're not confident that any of

this season's crops will survive. We're already seeing germline

mutations and outright inviability of some specimens across all our

species, including the radiation-hardened cultivars."

The joint project between Earth and Earth's moon has seen a number

of setbacks over recent months. This is the seventh crop failure in

the project's two years of operation, and commentators across the

inner planets have suggested that farming on Ganymede may prove

fundamentally unworkable. Supporters argue that not enough time has

passed to make any final determination possible, and a spokesman

for the External Resource Administration said that Earth's position

in the project will not change as a result of this latest bad news.

"We have identified the largest single cause of Earth's resource

crisis as the investment of resources in outer system colonies,"

the spokesman said in a prepared statement. "The Green Ganymede

Project offers a real prospect of redressing this imbalance by

enabling the outer system to return some measure of those resources

and help speed Earth's recovery. We will work to ensure the project

succeeds in every way we can."

In after-hours trading today, Archer DuPont Monsanto stock dropped

over three percent on the news.


September 8 (UPI) - The Fertility Society of Earth today reported

that total births thus far across the planet are less than half the

society's target projection for the year to date. Analysts say this

tracks with the general birthrate trend over the last fifty years,

but the Society strikes a cautionary note:

"As Earth's economy, climate, and biosphere continue to recover in

accord with government projections," said a Fertility Society

spokeswoman, "it is disappointing that our citizens' birth rates

continue to lag behind. Sustaining and expanding our current growth

requires that we produce a sufficient labor and tax base to do the

work that lies ahead. If we will not make the necessary sacrifices,

we cannot expect to maintain the preeminence throughout the system

that humanity's cradle deserves."

Shortly before press time, the Internal Resource Administration

released this prepared statement: "In line with economic goals for

2422 and the first half of this decade more generally, next year's

individual responsibility surcharge will increase by 25% for

citizens filing singly and 15% for members of married couples

filing jointly. An increase to family subsidy refunds is currently

under consideration. As always, we remind the populace of Earth

that the surest way to prosperity, for each of us and all together,

is a large and healthy family."


September 8 (UPI) - A spokesman for the Population Administration's

Landmass Optimization Office stated today that recent claims of

rioting among newly rehoused residents of the Wyoming New Prospects

Facility are "false reporting".

"While some isolated incidents have occurred among members of the

August and September intake classes, these incidents are just that:

isolated. The recent claims by fringe commentators of a general

outbreak of violence contain no truth whatsoever, and such false

reporting only imperils the vitally important goals of the

optimization project as a whole. Our targeted intervention teams

are as always prepared to ensure the safety and security of all

residents both within the New Prospects Facility and outside it,"

the spokesman said in a prepared statement.

When asked about reports of ongoing resource shortfalls among

private contractors tasked with supplying subsistence supplies and

agricultural equipment to the facility, the spokesman declined to

confirm or deny, stating that federal privilege applies to all

information about contract negotiations in progress.


September 9 (Investors Daily) - At a press conference this morning,

Koenraad Gertodtenhaupt, a senior vice president of Ross 128

Ventures, LLC, stated firmly that there is no truth in recent Lunar

claims of a colony ship crash.

The ship in question is 'Voortrekker', a prototype torch ship which

for the last 25 years has been en route to the nearby star Ross 128.

For the past several weeks, various sources close to the Lunar

government have claimed that 'Voortrekker' did not, in fact,

recently land on its target planet, but instead crashed there with

the loss of much of its crew.

In a brief statement at the entrance of the historic Chrysler

Building, where the Ross 128 firm has its offices, Gertodtenhaupt


"The board of Ross 128 Ventures wishes most firmly to dissuade

these rumors regarding our friends aboard Voortrekker. The ship

made planetfall just over a month ago, and her former crew are hard

at work in the early stages of developing one of the first

permanent human habitations outside Earth's own solar system."

"We are in regular QEC contact with our friends at Ross 128,"

Gertodtenhaupt continued. "at all levels up to and including Nick

Soloviev, the chairman of Voortrekker's own board. Nothing we have

heard inclines us to confirm the dangerous and irresponsible rumors

spread by sources on Earth's moon who should know better than to

claim such falsehoods are true news. Such actions can only

complicate the colonists' work, and strike fear into the hearts of

their families and loved ones back home."

Gertodtenhaupt took no questions before reentering the building.


September 10 (UPI) - In the wake of sexual malconduct allegations

made against conductor Watanabe Fezile by several musicians now

under his baton, the Three Planets Reinforced Symphony announced

today that their interplanetary tour is "suspended", with Watanabe

and his accusers recalled to Earth for talks potentially leading to

arbitration of the claims.

"We regret the necessity of this action," said a spokesman for the

Three Planets board. "We must, however, treat these claims with

utmost gravity, and we're sure our audiences will understand."

At press time, no statement had been made regarding alternate tour

dates or refunds.


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(Various network services)

- Olowokandi, Prakash, Davidova "favorites" in Wings Tourney

Claims of racism swirl around proposed belter exclusion

- Rocket League semifinals conclude with two-week Mercury heat

"Exhilarating", one surviving competitor says

- Legacy football doping claims prompt new investigation

Latest augmentation challenge thrown out by Rules Committee

- 6 dead, 19 hurt after network jammers make hash of 97th Manx TT

Douglas fires reported "mostly contained"; drones banned

- Venus aerobrake stunt succeeds: pilot Espinoza honored, arrested

Pallas Commune demands extradition, pays out 12 to 1

- Ironman Lunar Triathlon transition area snaps: "shocking"

Organizers: "How do you even do that in a pressure suit?"

- Ganymede Polar Bear Swim postponed for 36th consecutive year

Afterparties proceed as planned


"War is fear cloaked in courage." - William Westmoreland

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