From: QEChat Log sam <-> anine

To: sam (Sameen Lee)

To: anine (Amelia Nine)

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Date-Local: 02 Sep 2421 08:37:32 +0000

Date: 02 Sep 2421 08:37:32 +0000

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Subject: Chat Log sam <-> anine


sam: you there?

anine: [Away: Thursday: biweekly directorate review]




anine: yeah i know, it took me a minute to wind it up and get out

sam: look i don't care just whyt he FUCK did you not TELL ME


anine: listen. i'm really sorry but there's something very wrong

anine: she was right, we got SCARS updates through most of the descent

anine: and they don't make any sense

anine: look, give me a minute


sam: well?

[anine Quit: sec]

sam: FUCK


[anine Join: back]

anine: okay, i'm off the work network.

anine: i shouldn't be telling you anything right now.

anine: can i trust you?

sam: thats a hell of a question from you right now


anine: i know, i'm sorry, okay? but this could be my job, or

anine: look, forget it, you deserve to know. i shouldve told you



anine: i mean i know you and she broke it off but all the same.

sam: who told you we broke it off

sam: we had one fight



anine: okay okay let me get to the point i can't sit in this stall all


anine: but before i do that

anine: i really am sorry, i should've trusted you, can you forgive me?


sam: not right now.


anine: fair enough.


anine: so like i said, something is very wrong with voortrekker and

that planet. the scars data DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENSE. she said the

pilot said something hit them that they didn't see?

anine: their radar says they saw it. they tracked it all the way in

from a half million kilometers out. it wasn't even moving that fast.


anine: they got lerts about it too. sscars event log shows initial

proximity alert, then nine minutes later possible collision warning,

then impact alarms nine minutes after that, thirty secondds alter the

impact event.

anine: alerts*

anine: seconds*

sam: what


anine: there had to be alarms going off all over main control, there

is nO WAY they could not have known they were in danger, and even if

they didn't

sam: ok but they were in manual by then right

anine: no

anine: the nav systems were still running in program auto, theyd idn't

go manual until after the hit

anine: the ship should've taken ITSELF out of the way, they had to go

out of their way to override it


anine: and SCARS doesn't show them doing it

anine: and it would

anine: that's what we don't understand, even if someone went crazy and

saotasged the ship why do all that and not just disable the whole

sender, we'd think it was lost or something then

anine: sabotaged*


anine: so none of this makes any sense


sam: i guess not


anine: and then there's this weird stuff she sent

sam: you can say her fucking name, okay?

sam: it's been 25 years not like i'm still going to be mad

anine: okay okaty

anine: fine

anine: this weird stuff KIT sent

sam: thank you. go on


anine: i mean this disease she's talking about, that doesn't make

sense either

anine: nothing works like that, it's not even biomechanically


sam: she's a xenobiologist, you know better than her?

anine: ok fine but we have those too and they say i'ts bullshit

anine: and that last part

anine: i had to look up muscular hydrostats

sam: tentacles

anine: yeah


sam: she says she shas four fo them instead of legs now

anine: right

anine: talk about bullshit, there is no way

anine: i asked our people here

anine: i called the xeno institute and asked people theret o

anine: every one fo them said there is no way in any world that a

human body can have tentacles


anine: something about hydrostatic presusre and circulation and

sam: you're just saying words

anine: i dont pretend to understand it but come on do you really think

this makes any kind of sense

anine: i don't know what's going on out there but it has to be some

kind of mental thing

sam: don't you dare

sam: don't you FUCKING DARE


sam: i knew you'd do this as soon as i sent it to you

sam: i don' tknow what's going on out there either

sam: but you knew kit as well as i did

sam: better

anine: look i know i'm not sayingit's her FAULT


sam: "some kind of mental thing


sam: you think she went stir crazy out there and did something to

crash the ship and now she's making up crazy stuff

sam: you probably thinks he killed the people whog ot sicka dn died

anine: yeah about that

sam: oh whAT THE FUCK

anine: we're pretty sure they're not dead


sam: what


anine: you know they all had implanted biomonitors right?

anine: all the expedition crews do, those are big ships and people can

get lost or hurt and not be able to call for help

sam: ok and

sam: oh bullshit


anine: we get telemetry packet sfrom the ship on those

anine: most of the trackers are still showing active

anine: not the people who died in the crash, the ones she said got sick

anine: 247 out of 313 right now

anine: slow pulse, slow respiration, almost no brain activty


anine: they're comatose but alive

anine: ti's the other ones that really worry us

anine: they're NOT online

anine: but the last signals we got were

anine: i mean they don't make sense


sam: you are saying that a lot

sam: it's your job to fucking make it make sense

anine: i know, okay? i know that

anine: were trying, we were going to cancel anyway for a call with

xeno institute before i heard from you

sam: but you werne't going to tell me anything?


anine: look i'm sorry okay i don't know

anine: i don't know what to do

anine: were probably going to have to call the garison and that's


anine: something went wrong with the gliese mission i dont knwo but we

keep getting stuff

anine: i think theyre building a ship over in the navy dock, i cant

see much from the shuttle but a lto of new work


anine: im just really scared right now everything is going wrong and

earth is probably going to get involved

anine: i didnt know what to do and i fucked it up

anine: im so sorry i shouldve said something i just couldnt think im



anine: please say something

sam: sorry im crygn


sam: crying*

sam: im sorry i got so mad just

sam: whatever else is going on she's alive

sam: i was sure she was dead

anine: we dont know she's not

anine: im sorry


anine: we dont have her tracker shes one of the ones we lost


sam: what does that mean

anine: i dont know

anine: look whatever i find out ill get it tok you ok

anine: ill tell you

anine: ill make sure you know


sam: look if the ganymede garrison and earth are getting involved

sam: i mean i do WANT to know

sam: but i want you to stay sfae too

sam: saef*

sam: SAFE fuck


anine: i miss her too


sam: look well figure it out ok?

sam: when do you rotate out next

anine: end of next week

sam: ok

sam: come see me then we'll talk it over

anine: god and sleep on that lumpy couch of yours?

anine: my bakck was killing me for a week


sam: not what i had in mind

anine: oh

anine: well


sam: look dry your eyes and go back to work

sam: you dont want people looking at you funny right now

anine: youre right

anine: ok


anine: i'll come see you and we'll figure this out.

sam: right

sam: till then you take care, dont do anything stupid

anine: me?

[anine: Quit: bye]

[sam: Quit: ]
