20h@#bitreich-qec » I found this strange relay. It is sending somewhere. I

think I got the encoding right. Decoding messages looks

garbled for now.

20h@#bitreich-qec » Are you ready parazyd?

parazyd@#bitreich-qec » Ye##wdwqää.

20h@#bitreich-qec » Still a bit garbled.

20h@#bitreich-qec » I am giving the SOFA transporter a go.

parazyd@#bitreich-qec » Is this the transporter with the metal for printing

the new engine?

20h@#bitreich-qec » Decoding works now. Please check out the latest code.

20h@#bitreich-qec » Yes, we will be finally ready to departure.

20h@#bitreich-qec » parazyd, please call me, once the transporter arrived.

parazyd@#bitreich-qec » See you. :)
