Transmission Log - Orestes

Author: Green


Auto-generating preface...

A log from GREEN. He recounts his current affair with PINK.

PINK has been spending less and less time around him since their

first coital encounter.

More worryingly, he speaks about PINKS desire to 'get rid' of

NAVY. I have no record in my audio logs of such an utterance.

Either PINK has found some way to circumvent the surveillance

systems, or GREEN is lying here. I will increase the threat-level

across the Orestes and hope that this situation diffuses itself

soon. In the meantime, perhaps it is worth reexamining my

suggestion regarding PINK's reassignment. Perhaps to the Electra

outpost, where she could still research crystal activity.



She's not so bad, I suppose. PINK, that is. We argue constantly,

but I've started to find those arguments refreshing. It feels so

good to shout a little and express some aggression. I think it's

the same for her. Most people get upset when arguments get

heated, not her. It helps that we mostly argue about 'academic'

things, and keep personal questions out of it. It turns out she

knows a lot more about science than I first gave her credit for.

I've been learning from her.

Anyway, I suppose it was inevitable that the arguments would lead

to something more. We've been sleeping together. In retrospect, I

don't know why it took so long for it to happen. We've been the

only people on this rock for more than two years now. I guess

they selected us for this mission in the first place because of a

low sex-drive, but low is not 'zero'. I think for her the sex is

mostly something to quell the boredom, but for me it has meant


She doesn't like NAVY at all now. I don't mind the guy. A little

simple, but mostly in a charming way. She wants to have him

replaced. I don't think he can be replaced though. He's been here

so long, and I now believe he understands the crystals more than

we do. He knows the terrain of this planet so well and he knows

the quirks of the Orestes outpost like the back of his hand.

I hope she doesn't really want to get rid of him. I'd probably

end up taking her side if there was some kind of conflict. I

don't want to lose her now.


Complied by the Werner H. Young Terminal Emulator

Info: Simple A.I., designed on-site for executing

systems maintenance tasks and exchanging messages between

the Orestes outpost and the Arsinoe.

Built by Werner Young (2113-2151).

Names of persons have been masked to protect their identity.

