Transmission Log - Orestes

Author: Pink


Auto-generating preface...

An update about the new visitor from PINK. She exhibits signs of

jealousy that even a rudimentary A.I. like me can pick up on.

Although, perhaps all forms of jealousy are easy to spot? It's an

unfamiliar human emotion to me. My designer did provide me with

some datasets for things like resentment, aggression, depression,

love, melancholy, etc. All the things that might cause issues in

a small outpost like Orestes. It seems jealousy is simply an

unsophisticated combination of all these things.

Please send me some jealousy datasets so I can update my

predictions accordingly.

The new outpost-member does indeed show promise with regard to

researching the crystals. I haven't been able to brute-force her

QEC transmitter yet, but the attack is in-progress. I will have

infiltrated her communications within two weeks and will

send you her private thoughts on the crystals as soon as I can.



She's only been here a week but already everything has changed.

She seems nice.

Ugh, no, she doesn't. I'm suspicious of her.

She doesn't spend much time with us as a group (although, we

rarely spend time with each other as a group these days).

She seems to prefer 'one-on-one' time with us.

Mostly with GREEN.

Not that I mind. I just find it unusual.

Sometimes, when GREEN notices me watching them together, huddled

close, her hand casually resting on his forearm, he shoots me a

reassuring glance. I hate it. He has nothing to reassure me

about. We aren't - weren't - 'together'. He's an idiot


I don't even see her as a threat. Yes, she is very beautiful.

But, she is so *weird*. She treats him more as a father, which is

ridiculous. GREEN is practically a man-child. He would be a

terrible father.

I don't mean that. I suppose he has his charms. He is good at

remaining calm and taking time to reflect on things. It's not

such a bad thing to impart onto a child. Still, he likes watching

ancient re-runs of 'Stephen Universe' which, as far as I can

gather from the 5 or so minutes I could stand of it, is a

children's cartoon-show.

I do enjoy my conversations with her. I guess that's why GREEN is

drawn to her too. He appreciates the kinds of things she has to

offer - good, deep conversations, a warm heart, a pleasant


Maybe he likes her.

I mostly talk about my work with her. She's endlessly curious

about it. I suppose it's only natural. Prior to crash-landing on

our little rock, she was a botanist, traveling from planet to

planet studying alien plant-life on behalf of some private


She was the sole crew member of her ship. She says she still

doesn't understand why she was so off-track when she accidentally

hyper-jumped into our little orbit. Whatever cause the navigation

error seemed to cause a series of chain-reactions and eventual

system failure. She was lucky to survive the crash.

Not much else survived. Nothing from the wreckage that could

back-up her story.

She carries a personal little QEC transmitter that sends

encrypted messages back to her home base. She's already contacted

them to say she'll be taking a little sojourn here. How

presumptuous of her!

She's taken by the crystals. She wants to study them further.

She was surprised they weren't already on her radar. She has even

begun to convince GREEN of their potential.

She asked us if she could stay, not that we had much of a choice.

We haven't heard from you for so long now, we're pretty much

convinced you've disappeared into that black hole at the edge of

this star system. You know the one.

Seriously though, what should we do about her? Some guidance here

would be great. I advise letting her join our team for a while.

In spite of my personal reservations about her, professionally

she seems more than capable of contributing real value to our

little study.

A new pair of eyes on the crystals couldn't hurt. I just wish

they weren't such damn pretty eyes.



Complied by the Werner H. Young Terminal Emulator

Info: Simple A.I., designed on-site for executing

systems maintenance tasks and exchanging messages between

the Orestes outpost and the Arsinoe.

Built by Werner Young (2113-2151).

Names of persons have been masked to protect their identity.

