Second-Hand Dresses

Up a Level

Second-Hand Dresses[1] is an erotic romance novel set in the Fedran[2] universe.


2: /tags/fedran/

2024-09-27 Bakfu and OCI Containers

2016-04-20 Sand and Blood 10, Flight of the Scions 16, and gaining powers

2016-04-27 Sand and Blood 11, Flight of the Scions 17, Sand and Ash status, abusive relationships, telepaths, and economics

2015-04-12 Writing News

2015-08-21 Tarsan Famlies, Building Cultures, and Naming

2015-12-02 Sand and Ash 18, Flight of the Scions, and Second-Hand Dresses

2015-07-20 Mechanical Writing

2019-04-16 Poem - Drifting Thoughts

2019-04-11 Poem - Burnt Hills and Embers

2019-07-24 Future Plans

2021-08-01 Secret Romance Readers Interview

2021-11-30 Using Nix

2021-10-03 Second-Hand Dresses delayed

2022-08-27 August in a Nutshell

2022-01-21 Content Warnings - This Book Contains Death

2022-03-19 ABC Did a Beautiful Job Siding My House

2017-08-23 Stalking, Teasing, Masturbation, and NSFW Second-Hand Dresses 13

2017-08-08 Relik da Martin ne Golid, The Unspeakable, and Second-Hand Dresses 11

2017-08-29 New Cover, Cover Grammar, and Second-Hand Dresses 14

2017-08-01 Mindil, Weight in Romance, and Second-Hand Dresses 10

2017-08-15 Sex, Endings, and NSFW Second-Hand Dresses 12

2017-08-07 Changing Gears

2017-11-08 Second-Hand Dresses 24

2017-11-29 NSFW Second-Hand Dresses 27

2017-11-01 NSFW Second-Hand Dresses 23

2017-11-15 Second-Hand Dresses 25

2017-11-22 Birth Control and Second-Hand Dresses 26

2017-10-04 NaNoGenMo, ICON, New Laptop, and NSFW Second-Hand Dresses 19

2017-10-25 NSFW Second-Hand Dresses 22

2017-10-10 Hair Color, Selling, Children with Parents in Polygamous Relationships, NaNoGenMo, and Second-Hand Dresses 20

2017-10-17 Gender Roles, Guilt, Archetypes, and NSFW Second-Hand Dresses 21

2017-06-25 Winding down working on Second-Hand Dresses

2017-06-20 Romance, Bylines, NSFW Scenes, and Second-Hand Dresses 4

2017-06-13 Advent Children, The End, Sand and Bone 35, What's Next

2017-06-27 High Society, Naming Conventions, and Second-Hand Dresses 5

2017-09-20 Rain as a Mood, NaNoGenMo, and Second-Hand Dresses 17

2017-09-12 More on Hair, Eye Colors, Falling Rain, and Second-Hand Dresses 16

2017-09-05 Ideal Beauties, Standing Alone, Hair Color, and Second-Hand Dresses 15

2017-09-26 NaNoGenMo Prep, ICON, and Second-Hand Dresses 18

2017-12-06 Second-Hand Dresses 28

2017-12-20 Bodice Rippers and NSFW Second-Hand Dresses 30

2017-12-13 Emotions, Jealousy, and Second-Hand Dresses 29

2017-05-16 Master Plots, Book Identifiers, Wind's Teeth, and Sand and Bone 31

2017-05-17 Second-Hand Dresses 3

2017-07-11 Creative Blocks, High Society Superstitions, Finding Love, and Second-Hand Dresses 7

2017-07-25 Maximum Velocity, Using Talents, Times, and Second-Hand Dresses 9

2017-07-18 Adultery, Boys Will Not Be Boys, and Second-Hand Dresses 8

2017-07-05 Origins, Hasan, Second-Hand Dresses 6, Spoilers, The Choice, and One More

2023-06-24 Fedran Infrastructure

2018-01-11 Second-Hand Dresses 33

2018-01-25 NSFW Second-Hand Dresses 35

2018-01-12 2017 Writing Monies

2018-01-18 Second-Hand Dresses 34

2018-03-08 Underwhelming Projects, Second-Hand Dresses 41, and Coming Next

2018-03-29 The End, NSFW Second-Hand Dresses 44, and Coming Next

2018-03-01 Marriage Proposals, Second-Hand Dresses 40, and Coming Next

2018-03-15 Crashing, NSFW Second-Hand Dresses 42, and Coming Next

2018-03-22 Life Cycles, Second-Hand Dresses 43, and Coming Next

2018-02-01 Shorted Posts, Consent, The End is Nigh, and Second-Hand Dresses 36

2018-02-22 Skipped Posts, Nearing the End, and NSFW Second-Hand Dresses 39


Below are various useful links within this site and to related sites (not all have been converted over to Gemini).









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