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Thanks for dropping by, although you'll probably be disappointed.


Some books I've read

Books I'm in the process of reading




Crawling Sumac

The Broad Falcon

Agent Heavenly Enchanter

Captain Marvelous Snipe

Supreme Broad Oxman

Captain Calm Scorpion

Private Prince

Superintendent Sunspoter

Officer Alpha Dog

Makeshift Magician

The Iron Ibis

Mistress Smooth Vulture

Sassy Spark Plug

Lord Righteous Hornet

General Green Shades

Tiny Thornhead

Master Brave Mothman

The Voiceless Mantis

Happy Heloth

The Famous Rhinoceros

Sarcastic Shadowleaf

Outrageous Termite

Amethyst Heart

Solar Flare

Ethereal Phoenix

The Dapper Cheetah

Mister Swift Rhino

Liberating Cleanser

The Bronze Gunner

Professor Gray Beard

Chief Proud Spider

The Orange Swan

The Steel Termite

Commander Green Shade

Black Heel Bat

Lord Marvelous Shield

Agent Steel Mongoose

Intelligent Crane

Brass Bison

The Scarlet Whiz

Professor Black Termite

Supreme Purple Dragonfly

Professor Accidental Oxman

Giant Antman

Earthen Tigress

Accidental Condor

Super Gecko

Elegant Illusionist

Phantom Archer

Chief Mighty Crane

Commander Brass Spider

Colorful Ice Raven

Gawking Dazzler

Mister Majestic Ant

The Dark Flame

Fervant Titanio

Captain Silver Sage

Merciless Beekeeper

Agent Elegant Gorilla

The Electric Siren

Dragon Boy

Fearless Wolfman

Supreme Gorgeous Panther

Collosal Commando

A few recipes

Spicy Chicken Nuggets

Crockpot Sweet Potato Stew

Crockpot Barbecoa Beef

Crockpot Country Ribs and Potatoes

Crockpot Spinach and Pesto Stuffed Chicken Breast with Red Potatoes

Kung Pao Shrimp

Our very generous host


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