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Χαῖρε, wayfarer, and welcome to this little Cyrenaic garden in the gemspace! Here you may enjoy wine aplenty, the finest silphium-seasoned cheese, and perchance the joy of discourse under the Libyan sun.

Here are all the species of flowers cultivated in this garden of mine:


Being the home of discourse, and occasionally of other things worth writing about.


It may not be much next to Alexandria's great library, but you may yet find a book or two that catches your fancy...


Being the microblog counterpart to the gemlog; sententiae on lighter matters.

The Soros

Not the Hungarian businessman you may be thinking of – this here is an unsorted heap (σωρός) of bits lying around here and there. Caveat introiens.

This page in other languages:

Τοῦτ’ ἐστιν ἡ Ἑλληνιστὶ ἑρμηνευομένη δέλτος


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All original work licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0

kyrenaios at envs dot net
