Thou shalt not procrastinate

30 April 2022

As I write this, I should instead be working on some lame ass report I have to finish for work. I’ve had basically all week to finish it, but I never did. I spent every day doing basically nothing. Now, I’m paying for it by having to finish it on Saturday. I’m not sure how long it’ll take; maybe I’ll finish it in a couple hours, or maybe I'll be scrambling to turn it in minutes before stand-up on Monday morning, just like I did back in college.

I’d rather not be this way. I’d rather get things done ASAP so that I don’t have them hanging over my head. That way, it's easy to relax and do other things that I find more important and meaningful. That way I can avoid the low level dread that grows as my deadline approaches. So, I’m going to give it a solid hour. After that, I’ll take a break for lunch, come back, and give it another time block. Maybe then I’ll update this page again, just for the fun of it. Signing off now at 12:03 p.m.

It’s now 10:12 p.m., and I have done maybe forty minutes of work total since I last updated this post. I walked to lunch, came back, and slept for hours, drifting in and out of sleep, until finally getting up around five o’clock. Then I worked for a few minutes, got bored again, and went to Taco Bell for dinner. I have a problem. Signing off now at 10:14 p.m.

It’s now 2:32 a.m., and I have made some progress. I won’t estimate how much time I’ve spent since my last update, but this has definitely been the most solid block of time spent on this project. I’m getting tired now, so I will go to bed, but I feel confident that I can complete this tomorrow. I’ll be happy if I can watch Better Call Saul on Monday with a clean conscience.

OK! Now it’s 12:03 p.m., and I’m at my computer. I will do some light browsing before getting started, but hopefully I can make some good progress in this time block.

1:09 p.m.: I have done nothing.

2:30 p.m.: I have still done nothing. Watched the latest GeoWizard; now I’m watching the latest Mountain Springs Adventures. :)

2:58 p.m.: OK. I’m starting to work... NOW.

5:49 p.m.: I got some work done, and I see the light at the end of the tunnel. One or two more work sessions and it’ll be done. I just got back from walking to Doller Tree for snacks. On the way back, I jumped onto the edge of a dumpster outside of a cabinet maker’s shop to see if there was any good scrap I could take (there was). On the way down, I landed on my feet properly, but my quad tendon on my right leg still popped a little, and now it’s painful to bend that leg. I wouldn’t say it’s as bad as the first time I injured it, but this is definitely a setback.

8:34 p.m.: Just got back from Culver’s for dinner. Listening to *Sorry Bro (I Love You)*. About to finish this report up.

11:24 p.m.: I was able to finish the document within an hour of the last update. Since I finished, I’ve been relaxing, playing games, listening to music, working on my YouTube channel, etc. Glad to have this over with. Here’s to a better week.
