
Slatian here, or not really.

You can find me on the web …

I've made one of the first graphical gemini browsers (now abandoned).

Why gemini was and still is awesome.

Gemini was a really nice idea, first posted to a pgopher phlog by solderpunk.

The web is broken and gopher seems to be just fine, no ads, no javascript crap, just people publishing information.

Someone implemented a first server, I wrote my own browser to access it and there was a whole new world that

one could watch being filled with life on an almost daily basis. 🌱🌄

Why I'm now on the web.

The problem with gemini is that one needs custom software and trying to client-side style content that isn't really well tagged can become hit or miss.

The other problem is … the web isn't broken, websites are. And people are breaking websites.

This is why I'm publishing on the web, to show that websites can be beatiful by default,

with semantics and metadata, making it easier to use them instead of enshittifying them.

With a default stylesheet that isn't a blinding white background with light grey thin fonts and soulless corporate "art" on it

but also completely optional because the site works just as well without it.
