Welcome to my Gemini site

... at both envs.net and flounder.online. Everything on my Gemini site is under construction and incomplete.




Copyright And License Notice

© 2023 William Hicks. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, available via this link:

CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License

All of the original content by William Hicks in this work is licensed under the above grant. Rights held by others may impact your ability to reuse the portions of this work not covered under the above grant. In particular, quotations of third-party content, because they are not original content by William Hicks, are therefore not covered under the above grant.

You may have other rights to reuse this work. For example, as the Creative Commons organization says, "CC licenses do not reduce, limit, or restrict any rights under exceptions and limitations to copyright, such as fair use or fair dealing. If your use of CC-licensed material would otherwise be allowed because of an applicable exception or limitation, you do not need to rely on the CC license or comply with its terms and conditions." Source:


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Admin links

(As with the links at the top of this page, a preceding slash is optional.) Here's an absolute reference, starting with 2 slashes and domain:


The following link works only over http, and only when I'm logged in:


Link to Flounder.online's http login page:


Syntax guide

Quotations of third-party texts appear in two formats: run-in and block. Run-in quotations are enclosed by quotation marks. Block quotations have a greater-than sign (>) in the leftmost position of each line, and may also be enclosed by quotation marks.

Where a block quotation mixes my text with third-party text, quotation marks enclose the third-party text.
