Welcome to Wilco's Corner

Hello there! I'm Wilco, a tinkerer of all things electrons and code. I've got a soldering iron in one hand and a keyboard in the other, always ready to bring life to my next project or squash that pesky bug.

A bit about me

Married to an amazing woman named Julia, we navigate the waves of life together, often with our trusty Siberian Husky by our side. Her name is Eleven, and se's a rescue with a heart of gold and the energy of a small tornado.

When I'm not in my workshop or tapping away at the keyboard, you might find me planning my next travel adventure. I believe each journey adds a new perspective and a bunch of stories to tell.

Passions on the Move

- 🛥️ Boats

- 🚗 Cars

- 🏍️ Motorcycles

There's something about the roar of an engine and the freedom of the open road or vast sea that calls to me. Whether it's two wheels, four, or a hull, I'm all about it.

Get in Touch

Want to chat about the latest in tech, swap travel stories, or just shoot the breeze? Drop me a line!

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Thanks for dropping by. Keep exploring, keep building, and keep coding!
