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Gemini ring for fedizens

Welcome o/

This gemring is for the personal capsules of any member of the fediverse (also known as fedizens).

What is the fediverse?

Head towards the bottom of the page to see a list of members or continue on to read the rules and how to join :)


We accept pretty much any capsule as long as the owner has an account on fedi. However, we do draw the line at...

As it is impossible to list everything that would not be acceptable, we do reserve the right to deny requests. If you want to know whether your capsule is suitable for inclusion, send a plaintext email to the ticket tracker (address below) and we’ll take a look at it!

We also tend not to accept fediverse accounts that were recently created or those that have very little activity. This is both an anti-spam measure and a quality assurance measure, as we want to fill the ring with a vibrant and active community of fediverse users.


First, add the fediring links to your capsule as in the example below, replacing @user@example.com with your fedi handle.

This capsule is a part of the fediring
=> gemini://fediring.net/previous/@user@example.com Previous
=> gemini://fediring.net/next/@user@example.com     Next
=> gemini://fediring.net/random                     Random
=> gemini://fediring.net/                           Learn more

The random link is optional but next, previous, and a link to the fediring's homepage are required. Sites without these are subject to removal; if ring administrators traverse the ring and notice that the links have been remove, they will remove your capsule from the ring and send you an email letting you know.

After you've added the links, send a plaintext email — see useplaintext.email (HTTP) for more info — to the address below containing a link to both your capsule and your fedi account and indicate where on your capsule you've added the fediring links. This will create a new ticket in our public issue tracker and notify maintainers so they can review it and get it added!


Additional *rings

Apart from this gemring, we also operate a webring for sites on the WWW

WWW fediring counterpart

If there’s interest, we might also set up an Onionring for sites accessible over Tor.

We are unlikely to consider operating *rings for alternative protocols such as I2P, Freenet, Dat, Hypercore, etc.

List of members



























Source code

The fediring gemini backend is powered by cassini, a gemring server written by ~nbsp specifically for the fediring. It is open-source and licensed under the Blue Oak Model License. Contributions are welcome!


Information about the webring backends can be found on our website.
