Block languages 🤖

I like playing with visual block languages. Instead of typing code, you snap together coloured blocks. They are aimed at children as an introduction to programming, but adults can play too.

Wikipedia has these as a subset of visual programming languages

I first tried Scratch, but I stopped when it became web-only. I'm currently using Pocket Code on my phone.


(Can't find a decent link for Pocket Code, so just look in your phone's app store)

Good bits

There are some great things about programming like this.

Bad bits

I've been making a game on my phone. It's a simple ball rolling, item collecting, obstacle avoiding thing. And I've done enough to bump up against the limitations of this programming style.

Positive conclusion

On the whole, the good stuff outweighs the bad, at least for toy fun projects. I recommend giving it a go. And I haven't tried Snap! and Blockly. Maybe those are wonderful?!



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