"Exact phrase", please, Outlook 📧

Few people here will need an excuse to moan about Microsoft, but just in case, here's one.

Searching for "exact phrase" in my work email wasn't working. It would find messages containing either or both of the words. Lots of people on the web said "put it in quotes". Well, duh! Doesn't work. The fix is a registry tweak*. So the Outlook mail client allows for this feature, but provides no UI to switch it on. Who benefits from this feature being off by default??

I'll probably need this again one day, and it's hard to find, so for my future benefit, the fix is that HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\xx.0\Outlook\Search\AllowPhraseMatch should be 1 (specifically, a 32 bit 1).



