
5Q// Answers to Bronzie's 5 Questions

Bronzie asked 5 questions here.

I answer them here.

1. What is the last item of physical a/v media you bought?

Hmmm.. I'm actually not sure. Since working at the library I kind of quit

buying books (and CDs, and DVDs).

I think the last physical media I bought was an LP for my wife a few years ago -- Nathaniel Rateliff and the Night Sweats' "Tearing at the Seams." We also went to see them live, and it's a great show, by the way. Highly recommend.

2. Does your first IRL (non media fantasy) crush know how you felt about them?

Nope! I always kept my cards really close to my chest. I *did* keep attending my church's Youth Group for all of highschool so I could hang out with her, though. I *did* tell my sister about it, and I've told my wife, now --- I don't know if anyone else really knows. Or if they do, it's because I was *not* as good at hiding my feelings as I thought I was. Ah, youth!

3. 1994 or 2014? Why?

Well, I was 4 in 1994, so I think I'd have to say 2014. Plus I was in Flagstaff at the time, which is a beautiful city -- I've been missing it a lot lately, actually. The summers there are *perfect*.

Though, now I'm thinking about it, 1994 *was* a pretty good year. I was going to Mother's Day Out, I think I watched some Power Rangers there, I had no worries, I was fed, clothed, and taken care of. So they're both good, but for different reasons.

If I could go *back in time* to either one, though, at my current age -- I'd definitely go back to '94. More time before the hellscape that 2020 is turning out to be, plus I could buy Bitcoin in '08 and sell it in '12 or whenever. I'd have to research it before I left.

4. City or Countryside?

This question is one that, in some ways, I think has shaped my life. I grew up deep in the country, thirteen miles outside a small town. When I was very small, my parents had a big garden, but as we got older they stopped, so we weren't really a farming family or anything, we just lived way far away from everything. It took me a long time to realize that I did indeed grow up in a holler in East Tennessee. In a lot of ways, I've always felt like a city kid -- in fact, my dad used to tell me, "You're a city boy in the country."

My parents both grew up in towns and cities -- my dad in the same town his whole childhood, my mom moving around a lot with her dad's work. She always told me about how she didn't like living in towns, she said there's no privacy there. I don't know for sure about my dad, but he moved out to the house he still lives in around 1986 and, well, still lives there. So they both like that country life.

Me, though, I've always known I wanted to live in a city. The one I'm in now is about 250,000 people, which is the biggest city I've ever lived in -- but I'd love to live somewhere like New York or San Francisco or Seattle, somewhere with millions of people. I love feeling nestled in the crowd, knowing that all around me, human life is teeming, going about its own business, eating, laughing, sleeping, crying, worrying, being bored, making out -- doing everything everyone does. It makes me feel connected to the whole of humanity in a deeply spiritual way.

Also, in the city you're closer to your friends. Something I always envied of my friends was the fact that they had neighborhood kids to hang out with, go outside with -- we never went outside that much, even with all the land, because it was just me and my sister (and later my other sister). Also, a sex offender lived down the road so my mom didn't like us going outside for long stretches of time -- though I honestly think, now I'm an adult, that he was harmless to us. But parents worry.

Anyway, to answer the question definitively I'm going to say "City." I wonder if it's a response to my parents' responses to growing up in cities. I wonder if my children will move back to the country. Time will tell.

5. If offered either of the following for free, which would you choose - 2020 Apple Silicon Macbook or 1982 Grid Compass 1011

I had to look up the Grid Compass, and boy is it super cool-looking! I think I'd have to go with the new Apple Macbook though, maybe just to sell it. A couple thousand dollars could get me out of a couple of jams right now :P

However ----- I wonder if you could take an old case like the Grid Compass and put modern hardware in it, for the 1337 haxxors a e s t h e t i c ????


Thanks for the questions, Bronzie! They were thought-provoking and fun to answer :)

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