
Working for the weekend

I was working at the Career Center today, and so I was hanging around IRC all day. Good conversations were had, and everyone on tilde.chat helped me feel a little better about having to work today.

I got a good amount of stuff done, though -- I edited some videos for work, I helped a good number of patrons with their job searches (there's this one woman who's been in every day this week, almost, and she's needed a *lot* of help with, like, everything) -- I got to talk to my mother-in-law when she stopped in and renewed her card -- I ate two slices of pizza for lunch, they were delicious -- I had an idea to write up a little slice of life thing here, and had a better idea for what to include, but I forget a lot of it now -- I drank a bunch of water -- etc.

Tonight, we're eating dinner at the restaurant we ate at for our rehearsal dinner last year. They have outdoor seating apparently, which is pretty great, and the restaurant is delicious. I'm pretty jazzed about that.

OH but before then, we're going to Michael's (a craft store) to grab some yarn so I can finish my blanket.

I'm not sure what else to put here, so I guess this is it! (For this section.)

Talking to other people about gemini

I'm listening, right now, to

Ben's gemcast on gemini explaining

and thought I'd answer -- I've sent some links (portal ones) to my wife and she generally liked them .. but she hasn't got into it. I've mentioned gemini to another friend who runs a sort of personal world-building wiki for a whole planet thing (I should see if he'd be okay with me linking it here, some that read this might like it), and he seemed really interested but I think neither of us really knows how to like, talk about stuff. So that's developing, but slowly.

As far as listening to the gemcast (I kind of want to make one, too!), I've been using the tip posted here:


and it streams it just fine! I wrote up a little bash script for it, I should eventually pop it in bollux(1).




printf '%s\r\n' "$url" |\
    openssl s_client -quiet -connect "$serv:$port" |\
    tail -c +30 |\
    mpv --cache-secs=10 -

A note on the console clients -- that's UNIX, babee!!!

Also hey! Just heard about my sweet baby, bollux -- glad it works okay :) Yes, it saves to a temp file and then renames it if it can, and saves to BOLLUX_DOWNDIR (I think that's the var) if set, or PWD if not.

I want to figure out how best to allow the user to choose a stream, too ... or pipe a page to something. Hm.

Re: re: geminiposting

I am now (about to be) using the (better) version of gemini-posting given by perplexing.space:


Thanks for the tip :)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Case Duckworth. CC-BY-SA.



