
Let us commence

Today begins the beginning of #1kaday, my attempt at a watered-down Nanowrimo where I write only 1000 words a day (as opposed to, what, ~1200?) and they don't all have to make a cohesive narrative. I'm not ready for that yet. Today is going to be a kind of unfocused, rambling, let-me-get-my-setup-right type of thing, so buckle up, Dear Reader, let's go for a ride.

Setting up my text editor

So I use emacs, which has been mentioned before, I think. The first thing I needed to do was get rid of this annoying warning I kept getting from `auto-save` because I hadn't created the folder I'm putting all these in. So I had to add

(cuss auto-save-file-name-transforms
        `((".*" ,(no-littering-expand-var-file-name "auto-save/") t)))

even though I've got this `super-save` package, and thought I'd disabled auto-save, but like, whatever. Also, for some reason I was editing *this* file with sudo powers, so I just exited out from Emacs and got back in. Uff.

That done, I now need a word count in the mode-line. When I was using doom-modeline, it was included, but I've switched for no real reason to smart-mode-line, so I've got to do some searching here. Hang on.


Okay, I found wc-mode and that seems to be what I want.

It's hosted on Github.

It allows me to set a goal word count with `C-c C-w w`, which obviously I set to 1000, and it shows a word count in the mode-line. So great so far.

Of course, *my* modeline is smart-mode-line, and I've got the thing it uses to diminish minor-modes, called `rich-minority`. Of course of course, rich-minority takes a whitelist and a blacklist, so I've got the easy whitelist "^$" (it takes a regexp!) to block all minor-modes. BUT of course of course of course, the whitelist can be either

but NOT

You have to just have a long-ass string, like `"foo\|bar\|whatever\|quux"`, which is super annoying. So I had to write another function to add minor-modes to the whitelist:

(defun rm-whitelist-add (regexp)
  "Add a regexp option to the rm-whitelist group."
  (unless (boundp 'rm-whitelist-regexps)
    (setq rm-whitelist-regexps '("^$")))
  (add-to-list 'rm-whitelist-regexps regexp)
  (setq rm-whitelist (mapconcat 'identity rm-whitelist-regexps "\\|")))

Now I'm thinking about it, I could probably (should probably?) make the name of `rm-whitelist-regexps` `rm-whitelist--regexps`, since it's a "private" variable (i.e., it's not set directly, but by this function). Bah, whatever. Maybe later.

Okay, so now I've got my "WC" in the whitelist regexp, I'm seeing my little wordcount increase, word by word. I'm at 492 right now. Well, now a little more. I'm halfway. This is good.


A popular package is olivetti-mode, which is supposed to be a good writeroom-style thing to help. I've never really gotten into that kind of stuff, but let's try it out. Hm.. It's not really any different than what I've got. Maybe I'm missing something. Let me read the documentation.

Okay, so it looks like Olivetti does basically the same thing as `visual-fill-column-mode`, which I already have installed, so ... I don't think it's needed.

/me yeets olivetti

(I've been on IRC too much lately.)

Catch up with my life

I haven't written on gemini in a little while, so let's have a catch-up.

I made some gluten-free bread yesterday! R is trying to be GF b/c of her gut stuff, which I'm not going to get into, since that's her business .. but suffice it to say I made my first GF loaf, and it's not bad. I used this recipe:

Bob's Red Mill Everyday Bread (Gluten Free)

I'll talk more about it over on breadpunk.club at some point.

I've set up my own gemini server, well, here -- if you're reading this, you're on it, so I won't make it a link -- but it's gem.acdw.net. Right now it's using Phoebe, a wiki by Alex Schroeder, but it's not doing exactly what I want so I think I'll switch to Molly Brown by the venerable Solderpunk, maybe today if I have time. I keep thinking I have a lot to do, but I really don't have that much.

I've been crocheting socks, and I'm still working on my blanket, and I am going to make two hats, for me and R. They'll match but not be the same color. Apparently that'd be "too much." :P

I think we're going to get a RPG going on #team or something. I'm excited for that -- we should start Friday or maybe Saturday?

Speaking of RPG, I've been watching /The Witcher/ and I really like it. It's got a little bit of everything. It makes me want to read the book(s).

Speaking of book(s), we watched /Silence of the Lambs/ last night for Halloween and it opened up so much more upon this viewing. I remember reading some stuff about how a lot of the men look straight into the camera to make the viewer identify with Clarice, and boy was that true. And she is such a badass! The movie really is all about the male gaze and its effects -- I mean, Buffalo Bill dies because he can't turn off that gaze, and that's his downfall. I want to read that book and the others, as well.

The rest of today, I'm going to go get groceries, fuck around some more on IRC, avoid chores, but finally clean. I'm going to be off IRC much more, any more, I think. because let's be honest, it's not conducive to actually doing anything.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Case Duckworth. CC-BY-SA.



