Emacs decide-mode 0.10.0 Random Renerators

I just pushed version 0.10.0 of decide-mode to GitHub. It is hopefully reasonably stable. I have an open issue with some reports about things not working well in some Emacs versions.

Anyway this is the current list of examples (not a full list of all features or key-bindings) from the README, that I think sums up quite well what kind of random things are supported now:

| What to decide        | Keys  | Input          | Example Output  |
| Yes or no             | ? ?   |                | YES             |
| ... probably yes      | ? +   |                | YES             |
| ... probably no       | ? -   |                | NO              |
| Roll 1d6              | ? 6   |                | 3               |
| Roll 2d6              | ? D   |                | (5 1) = 6       |
| Roll 1d20             | ? 2 0 |                | 20              |
| Roll dice (general)   | ? d   | 2d6+1          | (5 3) +1 = 9    |
| Roll four FATE dice   | ? F   |                | (- 0 + +) = 1   |
| Roll 5d6 and count 6s | ? d   | 5dB6           | (6 3 2 6 4) = 2 |
| Number from range     | ? r   | 1-10           | 5               |
| ... low likely        | ? r   | 1<<10          | 4               |
| ... low more likely   | ? r   | 1<<<<10        | 1               |
| ... high likely       | ? r   | 1>>10          | 7               |
| Choose from list      | ? c   | apple,orange   | orange          |
| Random dir (of 4)     | ? w 4 |                | N               |
| Random dir (of 8)     | ? w 8 |                | NW              |
| Use random table      | ? t   | example-dragon | wise ice dragon |

The big new feature in 0.10.0 is the variable decide-output-format that can be used to customize output. It was something that was always missing. Hopefully it covers most important cases.

decide-mode 0.10.0

decide-mode repository

tags: #emacs #rpgs #foss #proceduralgeneration


