Statistics on the Gemini space

This page presents some statistics on the current state of the Gemini space. It has been updated on 2024-10-16 03:04:00Z.

It cannot claim to represent the entire space. The real number of URIs is certainly higher. There are several reasons why many URIs are not in the database:

On this page, "working" means there was a successful connection recently. "recently" means "less than 31 days". "Dead" URLs and capsules are removed after 46 days and no longer appear in any statistics.

Currently, our database includes 624,757 URIs, 524,826 of them having been checked successfully (status code 20) and recently. Among the recently accessed, 387,790 URIs serve a Gemini content.


The average size of the resources is 61,940 bytes.


#### Quantiles only for Gemini pages


Most common media (MIME) types

Most common languages

Most common language tags

Most common encodings ("charsets") for all files

(Remember there exists testing capsules, with very exotic encodings, so don't be surprised by some strange ones.)

Most common encodings for gemtext files only

By the way, 382 of recently tested URLs (0.064 %) have a wrong encoding (it does not match the actual content).

Status codes

(Remember there are test capsules with funny status codes, to exercice Gemini clients.)


(We count only backlinks from external capsules, and at most one link per capsule. Also, we exclude links from capsules like search engines or directories.)

Maximum number of incoming links: 319

Average number of incoming links: 0.30


There are 4094 capsules. We successfully connected recently to 2898 of them.

Most common capsules by number of working URLs

We have a limit of 10000 URLs per capsule.

Most common capsules by number of bytes in working URLs

We have a limit of bytes per URL.

Not properly documented yet

All working capsules:

As a text file

As a gemtext, with links


2603 (89.8 %) capsules are self-signed, 21 (0.7 %) use the Certificate Authority Let's Encrypt, 274 (9.5 %) are signed by another CA (may be not a trusted one).

78 capsules (2.70 %) have an expired certificate.


Key types:

Key sizes for RSA:

Key sizes for ECDSA:


97 % of the capsules use TLS 1.3, 3 % use TLS 1.2.


301 (10 %) the capsules have a robots.txt exclusion file.


18 working capsules (0.6 %) use an alternative port


1213 IP addresses used. 17 % are IPv6.

#### Addresses with most virtual hosts


There are 260 TLDs in the capsule's names, and 1983 registered domains.

Most common TLDs

#### By number of registered domains

#### By number of capsules

(There's a strong bias towards TLDs which have hosting services such as, which has many capsules in subdomains. See before the TLDs per registered domains, which are probably more useful.)

Other statistics on the geminispace

At the search engine

At the search engine TLGS

By Nervuri (specially for certificates)


Maintained by Stéphane Bortzmeyer (email ). Comments and criticisms are welcome.

Home page of the crawler

Source code of the crawler

My capsule
